The Joy of Sailing

Sailing is the ultimate freedom, the experience of being at one with nature and the sea, powered only by the wind and one's imagination. Why is sailing so appealing to so many people? Perhaps because it's one of the few "life sports" that offers both a relaxing escape as well as an invigorating challenge. You pick your level of comfort and excitement. Or maybe it's because sailing is never the same twice - each time on the water is a unique adventure that can enrich friendships, strengthen family ties, and refresh one's own sense of well-being. How many other outdoor activities can be shared with three or even four family generations?  It is said there are two types of sailors in the world - the young and the young-at-heart.

What a Difference a J Makes

Fulfilling those sailing dreams starts with finding the right boat that fits you - whether you aspire to day-sail close to home, cruise to distant shores, or take up the challenge of competitive sailing. Performance differences between sailboats are greater than differences between golf clubs, tennis rackets, skis or cars. There aren't many wooden or metal tennis rackets, skis or golf clubs in use anymore. That's because newer designs that perform better and are easier to use are MORE FUN!  A well designed sailboat, like a good sports car, is an extension of its owner. It could take years of sailing other boats to learn the difference that good design and quality make to one's sailing enjoyment. Or you can save time and take advantage of what we've learned and designed into every "J." We invite you to explore our site to learn more!

J/Sailing Gear

JStore 220px Outfit your team with sailing gear! 

We offer an extensive selection of the best brands in sailing that range from technical gear to shore gear, including a range of caps, t-shirts, polo shirts and a variety of gifts.  We even offer beautiful half-hull models of popular J’s, from the smallest to the biggest.  Please take a look at the broad range of items, many of them can be embroidered with just about anything you can imagine— boat names, events and so forth! Click here to see the entire catalog.

Upcoming Events

Mar 16-Apr 27- Warsash Spring Series- Warsash, England
Mar 28-30- Quantum J/70 Winter Series- Davis Island YC
Apr 5-6- J/Fest San Francisco Bay- San Francisco, CA
Apr 10-13- Charleston Race Week (22, 24, 70, 80, PHRF)- Charleston, SC
April 17-21- SPI Ouest Regatta- La Trinite-sur-Mer, France
Apr 17-21- J/24 Pasqua Vela- Porto Santo Stefano, Italy
Apr 26-May 3- J/22 World Championship- Deneysville, South Africa
Apr 30-May 4- PalmaVela- Palma Mallorca, Spain
May 2-4- Sperry Topsider Annapolis NOOD- Annapolis, MD
May 16-18- J/22 North Americans- Annapolis YC- Annapolis, MD
May 16-18- Sperry Topsider Seattle NOOD Regatta- Seattle, WA
May 24-26- Swiftsure Race- Victoria, BC, Canada
May 27- Jun 9- Delta Lloyd North Sea Week- Scheveningen, Netherlands
May 28- Jun 1- J/22 Europeans- Cameret-sur-Mer, France
May 29-Jun 2- Italian J/24 Nationals- Tirano, Italy
May 30- Susan Hood Trophy Race- Mississauga, ONT, Canada
May 31- Delta Ditch Run- Stockton, CA
Jun 6-8- Sperry Top Sider Chicago NOOD Regatta- Chicago, IL
Jun 6-9 North Sea Week- Heligoland, Germany
Jun 9-15- Normandy Sailing Week- Le Havre, France
Jun 13-22- Cleveland Race Week- Cleveland, OH


500+ J/70's Sailing in 2014!

J70 spin08 redThe J/70 speedster is the new "baby J" that is generating tremendous enthusiasm for a next-generation ramp- launchable keelboat. J/70 introduces a new dimension of fun, fast sailing in a stable, easy to own boat that all of your friends and family can enjoy. J/70's 22-foot long waterline with high aspect, all carbon mast and boom provides spirited performance and stability that feels like a much larger boat upwind. Off-the-wind, J/70 will simply light-up the crew with a smile! Set the masthead asymmetrical spinnaker and plane away in moderate breezes.

J/70 is already taking the world by storm-- it's the fastest keelboat class to receive ISAF International Class status in history! 19 fleets have developed in the USA alone, and Europe has fleets forming in a half-dozen countries.  Learn more about the J/70 concept here. Find out why J/70 has been generating enormous buzz in 2014-- J/70 are again setting records for class participation at Key West Race Week (60 teams), St Petersburg NOOD Regatta (28 boats), Charleston Race Week (87 teams registered), and North Americans (93 teams).  In 2013, J/70s also set records for Annapolis NOOD Regatta (49 teams) and  North Americans (90 teams entered in 28 hours)!  In Europe, the first J/70 EuroCup sailed on Lake Garda, Italy.  The first J/70 Worlds will be hosted by New York YC & SailNewport in September 2014!

J/111 One-Design/ Offshore Speedster

082010BTSN 7014v22013 was another great season for J/111 one-design and offshore sailing around the world. With numerous events organized in Europe and in the USA, J/111 sailors enjoyed the camaraderie of sailing close, tactical racing around-the-buoys and in major offshore events.  Highlights again included domination by J/111s in  Chicago-Mackinac Race overall. J/111s hosted their 2013 North American Championships in Chicago in August.  J/111's have established a remarkable sailing record offshore. Learn more about this versatile, easy-to-sail, offshore racer-cruiser and, more importantly, join in on the fun and set your sights on the best combination of offshore and one-design racing in the world's greatest sailing areas- Cowes, Newport, La Trinite, San Francisco, Great Lakes, Harbor Springs, to name a few. The first J/111 Worlds will be hosted by the Royal Yacht Squadron in August 2014!  Find out more about the J/111 and the one-design sailing regatta schedule here.

J/News Around the World


...Better Sailboats for People Who Love Sailing