The Official Website
of the International
Association For
Disabled Sailing

IFDS Affiliate & Associate Members

The IFDS Associate and Affiliate Members are:

Associate Member

This category is for countries where an individual pays the fee. They are:

  • Able to utilize the services of the secretariat;
  • Not eligible to compete in any IFDS Event or the Paralympic Sailing Competition;
  • Able to attend an IFDS Annual General Meeting, but not able to vote.

Affiliate Member

This category is for International Organizations. They are:

  • Able to utilize the services of the Secretariat;
  • Not eligible to compete in any IFDS Event or the Paralympic Sailing Competition;
  • Able to attend an IFDS Annual General Meeting, but not able to vote.

The information below provides you with further information about IFDS' Associate and Affiliate Members.

Blind Sailing International (BSI)

Chairman - Don Mason
Secretary - David Brown
Treasurer - Peg Hawkins

Blind Sailing International Website

European Sailing Federation (EUROSAF)

Secretary General - John Friend
Webmaster - Kjell Borking

European Sailing Federation Website

European Paralympic Committee

Office Manager - Ms. Saskia Kanfer

Opernring 1
Stiege E / 2. Stock / Top 222-227
1010 Vienna

Telephone - +43 1890 067 610
Fax - +43 1890 067 690

European Paralympic Committee Website

Homerus Associazione Onlus

Via Provinciale 84
25088 Vobarno (BS)

Telephone - +39 0365 599 656
Fax - +39 0365 599 129


Homerus Associazione Onlus Website

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