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Sailing Federation

David Kellett (AUS)

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David Kellett
14 December 1948


ISAF needs strong leadership which must be transparent, balanced and accountable, with thorough consultation with the Council on all matters. The views expressed by the Council and committee members must be respected.

The structure of ISAF must be changed to strengthen the organisation. All MNA's must be involved in the major decision making process. The structure must develop greater efficiency to reduce the decision making process and the duration of the annual meeting.

MNA's, Continental Associations and Classes are vital to ISAF. Support, service and cost benefits must be improved. The Secretariat must be situated in the most efficient and cost effective location. Marketing the sport is a priority

Increased participation; presentation of our sport and with the media; ensure sailing is attractive to youth and relevant to the Olympic Games; to develop sailing, particularly the emerging nations is essential for the future of our sport.

Sailing Career

Competed in small boats including Olympic Classes before graduating to ocean racing and America's Cup. Have sailed in the Fastnet race, Bermuda race and the Sydney to Hobart race on 38 occaisions with sucess with overall and class wins and many Line Honour victories. Skippered the first Australian yacht to gain Line Honours and a Handicap win in the Sydney to Hobart race. Currently racing a 60 yacht on Sydney Harbour on a weekly basis with success and will take part in the Sydney to Hobart race again this year.

Sailing Administration

Past Commodore of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia;
Past President of Yachting NSW;
Member of the Organising Committee for Perth 2011;
Independent Board member of Yachting Australia (due to position with ISAF).

Roles Within ISAF

1992 - 1998 Member of Council (Previously Permanent Committee)
1994 - 1996 Member of 2000 Olympic Working Party
1994 - 1998 Member of Events Committee
1996 - 2000 Member 2000 Olympic Advisory Board
1996 - 2000 President's liaison to 2000 Olympics
1997 - 1998 Member of Oceanic Committee
1998 - 2008 Vice President
2001 - 2004 Member 2004 Olympic Management Team
2004 - 2008 Member 2008 Olympic Management Team
2006 - 2008 Technical Delegate 2008 Olympic Sailing Competition
2008 - Current Executive Board Member - Treasurer
2009 - Current Member 2012 Olympic Management Team
2010 - Current Technical Delegate 2012 Olympic sailing competition

Other Information

Have successfully run my own Project Management Consulting business for over 20 years. Throughout my business life I have been a leader and served on many Boards/Committees as Chairman and I am confident I can show the leadership required in ISAF.

Awarded the Order of Australia (AM), one of the highest civilian awards, in the 2002 Queen's Birthday Honours for services to the sailing as a significant contributor to the administration of the sport in Australia and overseas and as a competitor.

Nominating MNAs

AND Federacio Andorrana de Vela
AUS Yachting Australia
BUL Bulgarian Sailing Federation
CAN Canadian Yachting Association
CAY Cayman Islands Sailing Club
CHN Chinese Yachting Association
DEN Danish Sailing Association
EST Estonian Yachting Union
GBR Royal Yachting Association
HKG Hong Kong Sailing Federation
INA Indonesia Sailing Federation
IRL Irish Sailing Association
ISL Icelandic Sailing Association
JPN Japan Sailing
KOR Korea Sailing Federation
MAD Madagascar Yachting and Rowing Squadron
MAS Malaysia Yachting Association
MDA Moldovian Yachting Federation
MYA Myanmar Yachting Federation
NOR Norwegian Sailing Federation
NZL Yachting New Zealand
OMA Oman Water Sports Committee
PAK Pakistan Sailing Federation
POL Polish Yachting Association
POR Portuguese Sailing Federation
RSA South African Sailing
SEY Seychelles Yachting Association
SIN Singapore Sailing Federation
SWE Swedish Sailing Federation
UAE Sailing and Rowing Federation
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