The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

Race Officials

Jan STAGE (DEN) No ALT tag specified
Jan Stage (DEN) - Chairman Peter Shrubb (BER) - Vice-Chairman
Patrick BERGMANS (BEL) Ross WILSON (AUS) No ALT tag specified
Patrick Bergmans (BEL) Ross Wilson (AUS) Andres Manuel Perez Alvarez (ESP)
International Judges Representative
No ALT tag specified Sally BURNETT (GBR) Dimitris DIMOU (GRE)
John Doerr (GBR)
Racing Rules Representative
Sally Burnett (GBR)
International Umpires Representative
Dimitris Dimou (GRE)
International Measurers Representative
No ALT tag specified No ALT tag specified No ALT tag specified
Nino Shmueli (ISR)
Race Management Representative
Ronnie McCracken (HKG) Ricardo Navarro (BRA)
Ex Officio (Non-Voting)

Terms of Reference

6.9.6 The Race Officials Committee shall:

(a) be responsible for the certification of ISAF Race Officials to the highest caliber for the sport of sailing;

(b) be responsible for the education of International Judges, International Umpires, International Race Officers and International Measurers;

(c) maintain an oversight management of its four Sub-committees: the International Judges, the International Umpires, the Race Management and the International Measurers Sub-committee;

(d) (working together with the Racing Rules Committee) publish on the ISAF website the ISAF Racing Rules Questions and Answers;
(e) develop a relationship with organizations that have resources and ISAF Associations and make recommendations to the Council on matters relating to the training and certification of Race Officers;

(f) liaise with such other ISAF committees as may be beneficial for achieving Committee goals;

(g) determine whether or not there is a conflict of interest in response to a request for clarification from Race Officials;

(h) in conjunction with the Executive Committee deal with reports about the conduct and competence of ISAF Race Officials and make commendations and administer sanctions where appropriate.

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