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Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin

Mid-scale hotel for business trips or leisure

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Practical information

    • Wi-Fi at the hotel
    • Bus/coach parking area - Paying
    • Private outdoor parking - Paying
    • Wheelchair access
  • Number of rooms: 99
  • Hotel location: In town
  • Main point of interest: SOUTHAMPTON (0.01 km)

Hotel address

34 - 35 High Street

How to reach the hotel

GPS :N 50° 54' 0.94'' W 1° 24' 14.12''

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Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin - hotel description

Hotel code: 7876

The Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin is a 4 Star hotel that has stood in the heart of the city for over 500 years. Perfectly located near the main port it provides a great base to stay before and after your cruise or trip to the Isle of Wight. Within walking distance of Southampton's main shopping areas, historic harbour, Sea City museum, parks and city walls. Hampshire's top attractions including Beaulieu, the New Forest, Paultons Park and Marwell Wildlife Park are only a short drive away.

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Extras of this hotel

The hotel stands in a 500-year old building, famous for hosting Jane Austen's 18th birthday party. The Jane Austen suite is the signature function room, and can hold 120 for a wedding banquet.

Message from the hotel manager

Neil Brailsford, the manager of the Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin hotel, would like to welcome you.

mapHotel - Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin access map

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