
Welcome to the Renapur brand of leather care products. Our Leather Balsam, Leather Cleaner and Hi-Shine are regarded by many as the finest leather care products there are.

Bought and loved by people around the world, our customers all share a common theme - they like to look after their leather.


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Dean Dibsdall Model Farrier Recommends Renapur

Dean Dibsdall Recommends Renapur

Model farrier loves our natural leather care products

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Renapur Leather Balsam, Leather Cleaner and Hi-Shine

Renapur Leather Balsam cleans, nourishes, conditions, restores and helps waterproof leather, restoring original softness and extending the leather's life. Renapur Leather Cleaner gently lifts dirt and grime from your leather, whilst our Hi-Shine gives your Leather a "military" shine.