The Fast, Stable & Easy to Sail One-Design

If you would like to expand your sailing horizons with a modern sportboat in open waters outside protected harbors and lakes, there's only one choice: the International J/80 one-design class sailboat. Sailing World magazine rated J/80 as easier to handle, less intimidating, safer and better suited for sailing offshore than other modern sportboats tested.

J80 keywest2005 02Numbers highlight the reason: The 1,440 lb. lead keel with bulb on the J/80 weighs nearly the same as the leading competitor's entire boat. No question, stability is the most important standard when it comes to a forgiving design, family sailing fun and sailing in open waters.  No wonder the J/80 continues to be the fastest growing one-design sportboat class in Europe, it's a joy to sail in winds from 5 to 25+ knots!  

Photo credit- Allen

Don't you think it's time to join over 1,500 J/80 owners sailing worldwide who are discovering how well the J/80 fits their plans for sailing with family and friends? J/80 is the only sportboat that combines simplicity of operation, confidence building stability and 15+ knot spinnaker rides in an affordable, low maintenance and trailerable package. It even has 4 berths and a 12 foot long cockpit. You can try one out or refine your skills with expert instruction at a J-World Sailing School in Annapolis, San Diego, San Francisco or Puerto Vallarta.

isafThe recent 2010 J/80 World Championship held in Newport, RI saw 62 boats from 9 countries participate in one of the most epic regattas ever.   With spectacular sailing conditions all five days, the J/80s proved yet again they can be sailed competitively by a wide variety of sailors ranging in ages from 20s to 60s!  Bashing and crashing in big waves offshore, wild planing and surfing conditions downwind.  J/80 sailors saw it all and relished the challenges few other sportboats could enjoy. Read more about it here.