The Shelford Group


The Shelford Group comprises ten leading NHS multi-specialty academic healthcare organisations

Joined July 2012

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  1. Shelford Trusts nominated for @hsjvalueawards

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    is at Procurement Meeting today

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    in action today on behalf of great story to tell with many challenges to come but some great joint-working in place

  4. Congratulations to Shelford trusts NUTH, & OUH for Awards 2015 nominations

  5. Retweeted

    Great session with discussing 'The shape of caring' massive potential for the future of nursing

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    Sir Andrew Cash, CEO, named second most exceptional chief executive in country

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  7. Sir Andrew Cash on - "pleased to note Sir Leonard’s unrivalled tenure as NHS CEO has been recognised"

  8. Sir Andrew Cash on – “delighted the work of all ten Shelford CEOs is recognised in the HSJ's results"

  9. Fantastic news to see all ten Shelford Group CEOs listed in Top Provider Chief Executives 2015

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    Shelford Chief Nurses discussing the code

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  11. Exciting new developments with our Safer Nursing Care Tool app

  12. And congratulations to , the Bronze Winners of the Learning 'Apprenticeship Programme of the Year' award.

  13. Congratulations to , the Gold Winners of the 'Internal Learning Solution of the Year Award' at the Learning Awards.

  14. The Shelford Group followed , , and 7 others
    • @bbchealth

      Health news, features, analysis from the BBC, via an automated feed of website headlines.

    • @DanielReynolds4

      I am the Director of Comms , a health think tank. alumni - into public policy + politics; trying to make sense of health policy.

  15. Retweeted

    Really excellent Workshop and well done to great trip round Warehouse and Facilities and Atrium. Thanks!

  16. Retweeted

    Great Procurement Community Event over the past few days - working together to bring better value to the

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    Reflections on the procurement event last week (8): The Group can be confident in ability to deliver some ambitious projects.

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    Reflections on the procurement event last week (1): We have a knowledgable, talented and very experienced group of people.

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    Looking forward to seeing how it is done with & team. Valuable knowledge and ideas sharing across

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    Looking forward to seeing the team in action today. Sharing best practice across Lots of snow on the way up!

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