
  1. Ok! :D I get my new printer in about a week, I'll pull some prints together to send ya! :)

  2. Sorry ladies (and gentleman), I missed the chat today because skating.

  3. -(e)k bertxiotua

    WOAH. RT If you stare long enough at this the image it will disappear...

  4. I figure it's an easy alternative to Society6. I will keep my prints there bc I like the fabric printing but I want to use etsy more

  5. Haven't ordered from in a while, but decided to treat myself to a pair of shoes and a scarf. Both things I "need". :)

  6. The scanner I use is the Epson Perfection V500 photo. Works for what I need it for. Printer I ordered was Epson Artisan 1430.

  7. Finally ordered a new printer! I can start stocking up my Etsy shop in a few days. :D

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