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Development Management

Last updated: 19 October 2012

Picture of a quarryWater Management Unit (WMU) is the unit within the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) with responsibility for the protection of the aquatic environment.

WMUs role in the planning system is to act as a consultee to DOE Planning Division.

Once an applicant makes a planning application DOE Planning Division will forward consultees a copy of the application form, all relevant plans and any other supporting documents that are submitted with the planning application.

WMUs role is thus to advise DOE Planning Division of the likely or potential impacts of the proposed development on the aquatic environment during its construction, operation and eventual decommission, if applicable.

To fully determine the potential impact of a development on the aquatic environment WMU may require specific information. Often there is not enough information available in a planning application for WMU to fully determine the likely impact on the aquatic environment. In such cases WMU may recommend that DOE Planning Division request further information from the applicant. Unfortunately this can delay the planning process.

WMU have therefore developed a number of planning Guidance Notes to provide advice to potential planning applicants as to WMU’s requirements and expectations when determining a planning application.

Current Guidance Notes can be accessed by clicking on the links below. Further Guidance Notes will be developed in due course.

WMU Planning Notes and Associated Links

General Guidance Notes

General Planning Guidance Note (Full Version) (.PDF 245Kb)Opens in New window
General Planning Guidance Note (Summary Version) (.PDF 212Kb)Opens in New window

Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Notes

EIA Scoping Guidance For Developments Likely To Impact Upon The Water Environment pdf (.PDF86Kb) Opens in New window
Guidance For Carrying Out A WFD Assessment On EIA Developments.pdf (.PDF 106Kb)

Opens in New window

Sector Specific Guidance Notes

Anaerobic Digesters
Planning Guidance Note – Anaerobic Digesters (.PDF 1.5Mb)Opens in New window

Road Schemes
Road Schemes and protection of the water environment - Guidance Note (.PDF 86Kb)Opens in New window
EIA Scoping Guidance For Road Schemes Likely To Impact The Water Environment (.PDF 90Kb) Opens in New window

Sewage Pumping Stations (.PDF 193Kb)Opens in New window

Mining (.PDF 254Kb)Opens in New window

Planning Guidance Note - Cemeteries (.PDF 97Kb)Opens in New window (.PDF 884Kb)Opens in New window

Vehicle Washes (.PDF 190Kb)Opens in New window
Vehicle Wash Operators Guidance (.PDF 169Kb)Opens in New window

Pollution Prevention Guidance Notes (PPGs) in New window

Other Useful Guidance

Decommissioning redundant wells and boreholes (.PDF 763Kb)Opens in New window