Northern Ireland Planning Service

Policy Publications

The Planning Policies for the Department of the Environment on particular aspects of land-use planning are set out in:
PPSs are gradually replacing the policy provisions of the Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland published in September 1993 and each PPS indicates those policies of the Strategy that it is superseding.
In the meantime, the Planning Strategy remains in force for those topics not covered by a PPS. For example, it provides the Department’s current policies for tourism development in the rural area. In addition a PPS will indicate if it is taking precedence over the provisions of development plans.

Transfer of Responsibilities

The Department of Environment assumed responsibility for the following Planning Policy Statements (PPS) from the Department for Regional Development on 15 January 2008:
  • PPS 5 (Revised): Draft Retailing, Town Centres and Commercial Leisure Developments;
  • PPS 12: Housing in Settlements;
  • PPS 13: Transportation and Land Use; and
  • PPS 20: The Coast.