Northern Ireland Planning Service

Northern Ireland Marine Plan History


  • Letters of Notification of Intention to Commence a Northern Ireland Marine Plan were issued to the Governments of England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man and Ireland also to the local Councils with Marine Responsibilities, the Environment Committee and the Marine Management Organisation at the start of 2012
  • Key Stakeholder Event held on 16th March to discuss the draft Statement of Public Participation and the main priorities of the Marine Plan
  • The Northern Ireland Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation issued on the 28th June
  • In November, as part of an initial engagement round, the Marine Plan Team held a number of public drop-in sessions in coastal locations around Northern Ireland. The Team also visited schools in the same locations.
  • The Marine Plan Team subsequently compiled a School Newsletter and distributed it to the various schools, which took part in our roadshow.
  • As part of our initial 'Evidence and Data Gathering' round, the Marine Plan Team held a number of meetings with a range of sectoral interests throughout October, November and December.


  • The Marine Plan Team is continuing to work through the 'Evidence and Data Gathering' round.


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