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The State of the Seas Report

Last updated: 26 January 2011

Cover of NI State of the Seas ReportWe have worked in partnership with the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) to produce the NI State of the Seas Report. This is the first time that a comprehensive report on the state of the seas around Northern Ireland has been published.

This is a key time in the management of our marine environment with the introduction of 3 new pieces of legislation:

  • EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive, 2008
  • UK Marine and Coastal Access Act, 2009
  • The proposed Northern Ireland Marine Bill, which will be introduced to the NI Assembly in 2011

The report is largely structured around the new requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, although other aspects of the marine environment are also considered.

The production of this report is a major milestone both in terms of initiating implementation of the new legislation and in strengthening relationships between Agencies and Departments. All Northern Ireland Departments and Agencies with marine responsibilities will continue to build on this co-operation in the monitoring and management of our marine environment.


Contents, Ministers Forwards and Executive Summary (PDF 2.94Mb) Opens in New window

  1. Introduction (PDF 1.40Mb) Opens in New window
  2. Marine Biodiversity (PDF 2.64Mb) Opens in New window
  3. Invasive Alien Species (PDF 1.04Mb) Opens in New window
  4. Fisheries and Aquaculture (PDF 1.74Mb) Opens in New window
  5. Foodwebs (PDF 3.37Mb) Opens in New window
  6. Eutrophication (PDF 1.31Mb) Opens in New window
  7. Seabed Integrity (PDF 1.10Mb) Opens in New window
  8. Hydrographical Conditions (PDF 1Mb) Opens in New window
  9. Contaminants (PDF 1.57Mb) Opens in New window
  10. Contaminants in Biota (PDF 1.26Mb) Opens in New window
  11. Litter (PDF 1.05Mb) Opens in New window
  12. Energy and Underwater Noise (PDF 543Kb) Opens in New window
  13. Maritime Archaeology (PDF 1.54Mb) Opens in New window
  14. Bathing Waters (PDF 1.27Mb) Opens in New window
  15. Ports and Harbours (PDF 548Kb) Opens in New window
  16. Discussions and Conclusions (PDF 1.37Mb) Opens in New window

Appendices ( PDF 1.83Mb) Opens in New window

For further information or to request a hard copy of the report, please contact us:

We would like to thank the following photographers for their contribution to theState of the Seas Report:

Arthur Ward, Robert Thompson, National Museums of Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Jeremy Gault and Tom McCann