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Department of the Environment (DOE)

Northern Ireland Environment Agency

Driver & Vehicle Agency


DOE has responsibility for the protection of the aquatic environment through the regulation of water quality, and the conservation of freshwater, marine flora, fauna, and hydrological processes.  In performing this duty DOE is required to have regard to the needs of industry and agriculture, the protection of fisheries and the protection of public health.

We work closely with colleagues in the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, particularly Water Management Unit and Natural Heritage who have responsibility for the implementation of legislation and for environmental monitoring. We also liaise closely with the Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) in GB, and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales.

In addition to the above you will find further specific information on the NIEA Water homepage

Marine Litter Video Competition

Entries from children aged between 7-18 are sought for a marine litter video competition. You don’t need to live on the coast to take part. Litter dropped inland can end up in the marine environment, so if there are behaviours, places or products that you think are part of this problem make a short film about them.

This exciting opportunity for schools is being run by the University of Plymouth as part of the MARLISCO programme. This is a European Union programme to raise awareness of the problem of marine litter. The closing date for video entries is 14 February 2014.

Further details are available from our marine litter page  and

Marine Litter Strategy Published 4 July 2013

The Northern Ireland Marine Litter Strategy was published on 4 July 2013. The Strategy is a co-ordinated response which aims to reduce the levels of litter entering the sea and removing litter which is already there. The Strategy contains measures designed to change attitudes and behaviour towards littering. This will be done through education, adequate provision of bins, fining offenders and collecting data on the extent of the problem.

A copy of the Strategy is available to download: Marine Litter Strategy (1.71KB)

Draft Northern Ireland Marine Litter Strategy-Synopsis of Consultation Responses

The consultation on the Draft Northern Ireland Marine Litter Strategy closed on 21 December 2012. The Department wishes to thank those who responded. A summary of the responses received is available from our Marine Litter Strategy page.

Draft Northern Ireland Marine Position Paper - Consultation Closed

The consultation on the Draft Marine Position Paper has now closed and a summary of responses received by the Department is available via this link Marine Policy Page

Northern Ireland Marine Bill - Introduced to the Assembly

Action to protect the seas around Northern Ireland took another step forward when Environment Minister Alex Attwood introduced the Northern Ireland Marine Bill in the Assembly. on 21 February 2012

Information on the Marine Bill can be found here:

Marine Litter Strategy

The Department is working with key stakeholders to develop a coordinated Northern Ireland Marine Litter Strategy.

Information on work on this project is available on a dedicated page Marine Litter Strategy

Marine Licensing Legislation - now in operation

The new marine licensing legislation applies from the 6th April 2011 to the Northern Ireland inshore region and will allow sensible and necessary development to go ahead but in a manner that minimises its adverse impacts on the environment, human health and users of the sea. The legislation team worked closely with their colleagues in the Marine Assessment and Licensing Team in NIEA to develop legislation which is practical and relevant.

For more information, please go to the Marine Licensing Page.

Marine Policy Statement - published 18th March 2011

The UK Marine Policy Statement is a joint venture with England, Scotland and Wales and provides the framework for preparing marine plans and taking decisions affecting the marine environment. It applies to all UK waters and sets out the general environmental, social and economic considerations that need to be taken into account in marine planning. This will contribute to the sustainable development in the UK marine area.

Further information can be found on the Marine Planning page.

Read the Marine Planning and Licensing Newletter August 2010

Further Information