Txioak / Guztiak / Erantzunik ez

  1. I became a TwitterUser exactly 6yrs ago. Was one of the 1st! Luv to all my followers from the original Twitter queen.

  2. Who knew they could vacuum your sinuses. 🙏 heal me 👃💦 LISTEN COLD ITS YOU AGAINST ME I WILL WIN

  3. Just finished a long day of rehearsals. Feels so good to sweat!! Off to bed, like a G.U.Y. 🐚

  4. 💗 What I meant was I am wearing a spaceship. Goodnight ☺️

  5. -(e)k bertxiotua

    Lady Gaga's Star Appeal Really Shines Through in Bold Silver Foil Outfit!: See 's flashy outfit...

  6. ✨Long day of work today! Can't wait to get started, G.U.Y radio interviews! 🌟

  7. That thank you trend was really sweet and made me smile so much. Thank you monsters, I made it for you !

  8. Thank you so much everyone for making my new single release so memorable! 💘 If U haven't yet, WATCH 'G.U.Y.' 💞

  9. It is like the Gay Super Bowl at our HAUS. Thank You to all the monsters who have supported me through thick and thin. THIS ONE'S FOR YOU! 💗

  10. G.U.Y. stands for GIRL UNDER YOU and its video is out tonight! 2min airing 8pm tonight on nbctv full…

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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