PoS-iT dynamically generates Website

The PoS-iT Webshop adds an exciting new dimension to retailing. Its great advantage is it uses the retailer's existing PoS-iT database to dynamically generate the Webshop, so if any changes are made in PoS-iT these are automatically updated to the Website. No more duplication of effort updating one system then another, no more discontinued lines shown on the Webshop, only accurate and up-to-date! More .....


SMS TEXT Messaging Direct from PoS-iT

Need a competitive edge! Want to get a message to your customers quickly and cheaply! Then try this!
PoS-iT can send either one off direct messages "Your serviced bike is now ready for collection" or Text shot to a targeted range of customers "Sale starts this Saturday 10% off everything" or "Invitation to exclusive preview evening of New Collection". The marketing possibilities are endless.


CMS can now provide full-colour printed cards with your specific design for use as Customer Loyalty, Account Cards or for Cashier Log-in.


Chip & Pin Card Payment Processing. How will it affect the retailer?

In 1991 Card Fraud was out of control. Technology was used to combat it with on-line authorisation etc.
Today the projected UK Fraud will reach £850 million by 2005, but based on French experience of PIN at Point of Sale this will be reduced by 50%.
More .....

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