GET lists/subscribers

Updated on Thu, 2013-03-07 10:27

Returns the subscribers of the specified list. Private list subscribers will only be shown if the authenticated user owns the specified list.

Resource URL


Either a list_id or a slug is required. If providing a list_slug, an owner_screen_name or owner_id is also required.

list_id required

The numerical id of the list.

slug required

You can identify a list by its slug instead of its numerical id. If you decide to do so, note that you'll also have to specify the list owner using the owner_id or owner_screen_name parameters.

owner_screen_name optional

The screen name of the user who owns the list being requested by a slug.

owner_id optional

The user ID of the user who owns the list being requested by a slug.

cursor optional

Breaks the results into pages. A single page contains 20 lists. Provide a value of -1 to begin paging. Provide values as returned in the response body's next_cursor and previous_cursor attributes to page back and forth in the list.

include_entities optional

When set to either true, t or 1, each tweet will include a node called "entities". This node offers a variety of metadata about the tweet in a discreet structure, including: user_mentions, urls, and hashtags. While entities are opt-in on timelines at present, they will be made a default component of output in the future. See Tweet Entities for more details.

skip_status optional

When set to either true, t or 1 statuses will not be included in the returned user objects.

Example Request


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  4.   "next_cursor": 1357643166637635702,
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