World leading job board software services

Job Board Software

Madgex are experts in designing and building award-winning white label job boards for a diverse range of clients, worldwide. Over the last 13 years we have gained extensive experience in building job boards that meet the demands of the ever- changing digital recruitment landscape.

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Job Board Insight

An advanced Data Insight Product designed specifically to provide business leaders, sales directors, sales teams and marketing professionals with a new level of insight in how their business is performing, where sales opportunities exist and how to market cost effectively to create the demand to meet particular business goals.

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CV Search & Match

The Madgex CV Search and Match software is an advanced candidate database designed for the rapid acquisition and monetization of CVs. The highly advanced and intelligent search technology matches recruiter needs with the most relevant jobseekers.

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Job Scraping

Some recruiters and employers find it easiest to post job adverts directly to their own websites, preferring to avoid the effort involved in posting ads directly to job boards. The Madgex Job Scraper caters perfectly for this kind of customer.

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Native iPhone & Android Apps

Our latest generation of iPhone and Android apps harness the full power of your job board. The apps are fully branded and utilise push notifications to increase applications.

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To find out more please call
+44 (0) 1273 810 800

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