
How can a brand extend its TV ads to connect with sports fans at the most relevant moment?


Engage high school athletes across screens to promote the new adidas Crazyquick shoe.


Used TV ad targeting to engage Twitter users with special content that was an extension of the adidas Crazyquick television ad campaign, spark relevant conversations and drive engagement.


  • 635K engagements on Twitter
  • 59% lift in historical Promoted Tweet engagement rate
  • 17% lift in top of mind awareness

Watch the video case study and read on for more details.

adidas (@adidas) helps athletes perform better, play better, feel better. Its products break records, set trends, make history. Every day. All over the world.

The challenge

To promote the new adidas Crazyquick, the @adidasHoops team developed an integrated marketing campaign focused on the shoe’s special outsole technology which makes players quicker and gives them an advantage on the basketball court. The brand wanted to reach high school athletes and engage them with the adidas Crazyquick story in innovative ways across screens.

The solution

To reach the most relevant audience at the moment when its brand was top of mind, @adidasHoops used TV ad targeting.

The #QuickAintFair commercial spins the tale of a family of “quicks” that dominated their opponents thanks to the advantage built in to design of their shoes. The spot featured the crazy quick moves of NBA stars John Wall (@John_Wall) of the Washington Wizards, Damian Lillard (@Dame_Lillard) of Portland Trail Blazers and Jrue Holiday (@Jrue_Holiday11) of the New Orleans Pelicans.

With TV ad targeting, the brand was able to continue the story from the ads on Twitter, delivering unique content to TV viewers who had seen their ads air throughout the NBA Playoffs. Its Promoted Tweets featured six second films that highlighted each player’s moves in more detail. To drive relevant, real-time conversation, the brand invited basketball fans to name the moves using the hashtag #QuickAintFair.


@adidasHoops partnered with the stars of the commercial on Twitter and promoted their Tweets to extend reach and spark one-to-one interaction.


The brand also targeted Promoted Tweets to interests like basketball and used keyword targeting in timeline to get Promoted Tweets in front of an engaged audience that was already tweeting about or searching for NBA players, teams and adidas-related terms.

@adidasHoops retweeted Twitter users who participated with the campaign using the hashtag. The brand also ultimately rewarded fans for crafting the best names for each athlete’s moves. @adidasHoops gave these three winning fans shout-outs via Twitter and included rich media featuring the content they submitted. 

“TV ad targeting allowed adidas to deliver extended, relevant content to the right audience right after they saw  our TV spots. The #QuickAintFair campaign on Twitter was so successful because it drove major awareness while creating deeper engagement on the second screen than we had ever seen. Plus, we were able to own a conversation around key moments during the NBA Playoffs season.”

Lia VakoutisHead of Digital Strategy at adidas America

The results

TV ad targeting during the #QuickAintFair campaign exceeded engagement and brand lift expectations. The average Promoted Tweet engagement rate for the campaign was 3.42% – a 59% lift compared to historical engagement for @adidasHoops. The campaign also outperformed category benchmarks by 29%. The brand sparked over 635K engagements, 30K new followers and 19.7M impressions. 

@adidasHoops also lifted key brand metrics. According to Nielsen, top of mind awareness increased by 17% with TV ad targeting and brand association increased by 62% among Twitter users who engaged with Promoted Tweets featuring video.  

3 keys to success

  1. Extend onto the second screen.

    With TV ad targeting, @adidasHoops was able to continue the storyline from its TV spots with unique video content made specifically for Twitter. “It’s one thing to take a TV ad and distribute it through Twitter. But it’s significantly more engaging and relevant if you can actually create content that extends what the consumer is seeing on TV and gives them a way to participate directly on that second screen,” says Lia Vakoutis, Head of Digital Strategy at adidas America.

  2. Amplify engagement with influencers.

    @adidasHoops was able to spark engagement and expand reach by partnering on Twitter with the NBA players starring in its commercials. “We want to make sure we’re constantly giving consumers unique access to some of the best athletes in the world. In this day of age, kids don’t go out looking for autographs. Now they want a Retweet. They want a shout-out on Twitter. With this campaign, we were able to make that happen with one-to-one interactions,” says Lia.

  3. Connect to people’s interests. 

    @adidasHoops targeted Promoted Tweets to TV viewers interested in basketball, NBA players and adidas to connect with the most receptive audience.