Sanchia Berg

Sanchia Berg


BBC Today programme reporter: specialising in Education, Family Courts, History. these are my views - not those of the bbc.



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    Everyone's Tweeting Photos of Police Brutality Thanks to the Failed Hashtag

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    Law Society says the benefits of family law changes will be undermined by legal aid cuts: The benef...

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    just read Times article: Simon Hughes wants law students to act for parties in family disputes. My students are great but.. (words fail me)

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    Reporter of reportedly held by pro-Russia militia in east .

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    Inspired by this kid: McDonald's gave me a "girl's toy" in my Happy Meal so went to the CEO:

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    "Kitchen units will prepare automeals" - someone in 1964 was right about how 2014 would be

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    Looks like a Christmas pudding RT Volcano burns BLUE in Indonesia

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    So recap:Evidence that will convict or acquit AJE journalists viewed in private,defense lawyers not allowed. has no interpreter

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    99 years since chlorine 1st used in war. Sadly reports that it has been used in Syria in last few days.

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    Danish scientists are confident that a new helmet will help to ease depression

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    Well that was clarification personified : conflating private & public law proceedngs & ref 2 law not yet in force!

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    The roots of logic in MT : Soviet note justifying Poland invasion in 1939

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