Issue #280: Not a valid URL format - when trying to create a new application

@starlite Laura Starrs

This was reported 3/15 by another user, then resolved as "not an issue" with the request to be moved to a discussion.

It is still a problem. I have attempted to create a new application with multiple variations of valid, fully qualified urls -- even going so far as to attempt "" -- and it is still rejected. If Google is not a valid website, I am not sure what qualifies! :)

18 weeks 6 days ago


@episod Taylor Singletary

Thanks for the report, Laura.

So we can understand the exact specifics here -- can you retrace your steps:

You go to you click on create an app... what exact data do you put in both the Website and Callback URL fields? (Both require explicit URLs, but you can leave callback URL blank). The website field is required.

18 weeks 6 days ago
@sp1n3mobile sp1n3 mobile

Let's say i have these filled in, what's wrong, why not a valid URL?
app name: sp1n3.tweetz


CallBack URL: sp1n3:/// (also tried sp1n3://callback, sp1n3:///callback)

17 weeks 2 days ago
@episod Taylor Singletary

We will not accept non-HTTP or non-HTTPS URLs on the form on -- you could use such custom URI schemes dynamically on the oauth/request_token step of OAuth, provided you place a HTTP or HTTPS based placeholder in this field.

17 weeks 1 day ago
@PragerMicro Prager Microsystems

I've tried creating an app also and every single time, it tells me my URL isn't valid. I've left it blank, I've tried it with http:// and I've tried it without http://. How do I resolve this?

16 weeks 6 days ago
@a1partyrental A1 Party

I am also having this issue with a regular http:// URL


16 weeks 4 hours ago
@dshashikumar7 shashi kumar

iam also getting the same problem
Please resolve it fastly

9 weeks 6 days ago
@evanmoran evanmoran

For people still having issues with this both your website and the callback url need "http://" in front. So this worked for me:

Callback URL:
(the exact path is up to you)

Hope that helps!

9 weeks 8 hours ago