
How does a marketing software company drive content downloads to find new customers?


Connect with a relevant audience to increase awareness of their new guide and drive content downloads.


Used Promoted Tweets with @username targeting to reach marketers likely to be interested in their free guide.


  • 24.6% of content downloads attributed to Twitter.
  • Twitter #1 source of downloads and social shares.
  • Lowest cost per download among paid marketing channels from Twitter.

Buzzstream (@buzzstream) creates software that helps marketers build and manage influencer relationships to drive positive brand mentions, social sharing, inbound links and traffic.

Their challenge

@buzzstream wanted to increase awareness and drive downloads of their new marketing guide “Linking Outside the Box” to grow their base of potential customers.

Their solution

@buzzstream used Promoted Tweets with @username targeting to reach people similar to the followers of nine digital marketing influencers. These influencers were either contributors to @buzzstream’s guide, like @seosmarty and @paddymoogan, or known for discussing topics covered in the book, like @RossHudgens and @iPullRank.

By targeting people similar to the followers of these Twitter accounts, @buzzstream was able to reach an audience that was likely to be interested in their content and more receptive to downloading their free marketing guide.

@buzzstream’s Tweets encouraged downloads by highlighting that there was no cost associated with their ebook. In addition to a link to their landing page, @buzzstream also included a short benefit statement in their Tweet copy to let people know what they could expect to learn from the content.


Of all the channels we used to promote our marketing guide, Twitter’s Promoted Tweets were far and away the winner in terms of driving the most downloads at an affordable cost.

Matthew Gratt Senior Marketing Manager, BuzzStream


During their campaign on Twitter, @buzzstream significantly increased awareness of their new guide through social shares and successfully drove content downloads, with 24.6% coming from Twitter. @buzzstream also saw the lowest cost per download among paid marketing channels from Twitter. Overall, @buzzstream generated more than one thousand downloads of their marketing guide, exceeding their goal by more than 22%.

 3 keys to success

  1. Offer value to your audience.

    Instead of promoting a sale with their Promoted Tweets, @buzzstream collected new customer email addresses by offering a valuable piece of content for download. 

  2. Keep it relevant.
    To reach people likely to be interested in their ebook, @buzzstream targeted people with similar interests to the followers of nine specific @usernames. Each targeted @username was tightly related to the content included in the ebook.

  3. Make it visual.
    In their Promoted Tweets, @buzzstream included an image preview of their guide to generate interest . To ensure their image appeared fully in people’s timelines, @buzzstream used a horizontal image with a 2:1 aspect ratio.