
  1. That's pretty cool, Dani. Don't worry I google myself too. It's the only way I find out what's happening.

  2. Hi Chris. I really enjoyed A Savage Garden, and now my 16 yo son is devouring it too. Well done, a really good read.

  3. Before my eyes, the knife blade bit across Ada's hairline, around her ears, and the nape of her neck.

  4. RT : One-ship Ukraine navy defies Russia to the end: a wonderful tale of a modern-day skirmish at sea.

  5. On that bleak night, with an unnatural light growing brighter in the sky. I learned the power of fear.

  6. I'm off to address the Rotary Club about geopolitics and writing fiction. Yay, free dinner!

  7. 轉推

    A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.

  8. God how I tried to stop what happened next, but I was bleeding, and weak with shock.

  9. There's still time! RT Win Captain Phillips DVD & Greg Barron's Savage Tide


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