
  1. Hey do you remember Pete from NJ? Wondering if this is you Nicole!!

  2. As an IT Director, side developer and the CT of my company, I would use glass to find innovative ways to track and scan It HW

  3. since it's being aired on twitch will will the full thing be viewable later? I'd love not to miss cool stuff if I view later

  4. Can I expect you to ever play a show in New Jersey?? Dying to see you live!

  5. Can you confirm whether or not Jones soda, (particularly Zilch varieties) have Mel4 in the caramel coloring? Diabetic here!

  6. When's Communitoid 28 up bud? Not that I'm super excited to vainly hear myself

  7. @ShawnyLovesac Wish I could afford a SuperSac or the Big One but that ain't happening for a long time :( Keep it up though!

  8. @ShawnyLovesac Thanks man! Love the style, I used to wear the same! Love your LoveSacs...got my first one in Jan 2013, CitySac.

  9. @ShawnyLovesac Curious...what are the white sneaks you wear in all the Sac vids?

  10. Would you tweet out a Happy birthday to Joe Winston? loves you but couldn't make Magfest... Would make his year

  11. I'd love to see you weigh in on the recent Duck Dynasty controversy and how only one view here seems to get silenced/attacked

  12. It's OK lol. A standalone app would great too. Steam running on a work computer & the site usually don't mesh inoffice

  13. Will the newer Desktop Dungeons ever be sold via HumbleIndieBundle or apart from Steam? Bought once, but I'd love a portable vers

  14. We'd REALLY love to see some sort of GROUP messaging support from SMS/MMS in Hangouts eventually. Iphones mess it all up :L

  15. We'd REALLY love to see some sort of GROUP messaging support from SMS/MMS in Hangouts eventually. Iphones mess it all up :L

  16. just wanted to say thank you for your service. You may not think civilians appreciate what you had to do or we're put through


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