
  1. Dear Asian Parents, Please stop over feeding us & subsequently making snarky remarks about how fat we are (we’re not). Love, Asian Americans

  2. On this Sunday morning, we woke up at 5am & trekked to the monthly Alameda Antiques Faire with veteran…

  3. WHY CAN'T WE TAKE HER HOME WITH US, ZACHARY, WHYYYY?! (with john and Zack at Curleytown) [pic] —

  4. Just picked up this awesome vintage French cheese, wine, & beer map from the Antiques Faire.

  5. Really, we're just here to enable Josh's vintage sign &… (w/ Zack, Josh, & Ruby at Alameda Point Antiques Faire) —

  6. he did it quite willingly! Asked Tess to come over 1st, positioned her, & called over. He was falling asleep.

  7. haha it’ll make for funny photos. Also, it’s a smaller version of the ones we usually get - pretty damn cute.

  8. Z: whatcha wanna do today? Me: I need to nest for the new puppy. 2hrs later…

  9. Noodles too thin & about 2min overcooked, broth is too thin & not that flavorful, &… (w/ Zack at Ramen Yamadaya) —

  10. yea! Happen to be in the hood & hungry. Will let you guys know what we think.

  11. When not wearing matching shoes, this about sums up our footwear choices

  12. Wabbit season! Butchering & stewing this guy for dinner. (with Zack at TARDIS) [pic] —

  13. just discovered Ja’mie is a sequel to Summer Heights High! Prefect promise! We gotta watch the original!

Parece que a carga tarda un chisco

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