“On this World Refugee Day, let us recall our common humanity, celebrate tolerance and diversity and open our hearts to refugees everywhere.” - Ban Ki Moon

To help one million refugees get access to information and education by the end of 2016, Google is supporting the work of Kiron, Libraries without Borders, NetHope and the International Rescue Committee.

Join us today, as we shine a light on NGOs working with refugees across the world and share inspiring stories from refugees themselves. http://ow.ly/4zzK301sD5a


So you’re a savvy nonprofit that has mastered Google Ad Grants, but now you’re asking: “How do we know if our Ad Grants account is actually resulting in increased traffic?”

Today, we’re addressing this question with an answer that we hope is simple yet powerful: Google Analytics. Check out our latest deep dive into how you can leverage data and unlock insights by pairing Google Analytics with your Ad Grants account.

The Nature Conservancy is working across the world to protect land and water. They have protected more than 199 million acres of land and thousands of miles of rivers.

Did you know the coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea support more than 12,000 species of marine life? The Nature Conservancy is working together with partners to ensure their health, and provide a secure and stable environment so the reefs can thrive and grow.

Visit The Nature Conservancy’s Google One Today camp...aign to see how you can help with restoring coral reefs: https://goo.gl/NdbMQ5

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Did you know? The coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea support more than 12,000 species of marine life. However, their health is at risk.

The Marine Mammal Center’s mission is to expand knowledge about marine mammals and to inspire their conservation. They rescue marine mammals, which need rehabilitation due to malnourishment, separation, entanglements and diseases. The ultimate goal is to release the animals back to the ocean.

Pupping season is here, and you can help rehabilitate sick and injured seal pups by supporting Marine Mammal Center’s One Today campaign: onetoday.google.com/p/hsb-z85k


Did you know? For the fourth year in a row, seal pups are stranding in record numbers along the California coast. Fish is scarce as ocean conditions worsen.

Join us in celebrating the beauty and importance of our world’s oceans for ‪#‎WorldOceansDay‬!
This year’s theme is to focus on a better future: “Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet”. To support the work of U.S. organizations working on ocean conservation, One Today is featuring 2 projects - which we will highlight today and tomorrow. Join the ‘wave for change’ and show your support for their efforts by donating to their One Today campaigns!

Are you a U.S. 501(c)(3) interested in setting up your own One Today campaign? Visit: https://onetoday.google.com/home/nonprofits

One Today by Google is a mobile app that helps you connect your cause to users in a new and exciting way. Each day, the app highlights cool projects from organizations like yours, and users can donate if they want to support the cause. Signing up for One Today is free and creating projects is quick…

Are you a nonprofit looking for a new way to show your donors the projects you are working on, and where? Would it help your cause to explore geographical content, track and visualize changes? Good news! The Google Earth Outreach team is accepting applications in the U.S. for the Google Maps APIs Grant, and your nonprofit may be eligible to apply.


TechSoup's photo.

On Memorial Day, as we remember those who lost their lives in war and conflict, we salute the nonprofit organizations that serve our veterans.

Last week, I/O -- Google’s Developer Conference -- illustrated many of the same goals we see nonprofits champion every day. The mission to create a world that is more diverse and inclusive for underrepresented groups.
Sundar’s keynote address had real-time captioning. And the number of female attendees rose 15% from three years ago, with attendees from NGOs such as Women Who Code and the Anita Borg Institute present.
Find out more from last week’s event: http://ow.ly/O2Vl300F3wG

Let’s make language part of how nonprofits are changing the world, and how you communicate with the people around you. Working with Chinese-speaking populations? Word Lens is there for you. No internet access in a remote area? Offline Mode can help with 52 languages. And last but not least - ‘Tap to Translate’: Translations in any Android app, without switching apps. Three new exciting features in ‪#‎Google‬ Translate 5.0! http://ow.ly/wfRD300qgCD

To celebrate International Museum Day today, we are sharing with you the work of Monet and Van Gogh up close, without hopping on a plane. With ‪#‎ArtCamera‬ by the Google Cultural Institute, this is now possible and you too can share the masterpieces showcased in your very own museums -- regardless of where your patrons are in the world. Explore the current masterpieces showcased here!


Every day, you are changing the world. And we want to help. To do so, we welcome your honest opinion of Google for Nonprofits through our website survey.

Your input will help us by continuing to empower nonprofits through free Google tools and by improving the user experience -- for you, for nonprofits, for the world we’re trying to change together.

Please complete our survey found in the bottom right corner at www.google.com/nonprofits/.

Google for Nonprofits offers organizations like yours free access to Google tools like Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Ad Grants, YouTube for Nonprofits and more. These tools can help you reach new donors and volunteers, work more efficiently, and tell your nonprofit’s story.

“Charity: water’s mission is to bring clean drinking water to everyone on the planet. We work towards this mission, by funding global partners who understand what’s needed for their specific communities. To date, charity: water has funded nearly 20,000 water projects in 24 countries, providing clean water to more than 6 million people.

Thanks to Google Maps APIs, donors can see exactly where and how their money is spent. Beyond providing clean water for millions of people, w...e’re helping transform how charities work by providing the highest degree of transparency about donation impact.” ~Alessandra Mosenifar, Senior Product Designer for charity: water

Read more about how the organization uses ‪#‎GoogleMaps‬ to share the results of their work: http://ow.ly/4mZC8i

Disclaimer: Charity: water received free Google products as part of the Google for Nonprofits program, which offers free products to qualified nonprofits.

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Google Earth Outreach gives nonprofits the knowledge and resources they need to visualize their cause and tell their story in Google Earth & Maps to hundreds of millions of people.

‪#‎EarthDay‬ is just around the corner - Learn how the Environmental Defense Fund used the Google Maps APIs to map & detect methane leaks.

Today marks the 13th anniversary of Google Ad Grants. For over a decade, Google Ad Grants has been granting $10,000 per month of in-kind search advertising on www.google.com to nonprofits just like you!

Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with your target audience, and click the link below to see if you’re eligible and apply today!


Google for Nonprofits's photo.

Looking to leverage YouTube but don’t have all the production resources to create content? Today, we’re announcing special access to YouTube Spaces—YouTube’s global network of production studios—for enrolled nonprofits. Learn, connect, and create at these state-of-the-art facilities through advanced education, exclusive events, and access to one of the most creative communities in the world.

Enrolled nonprofits with at least 1,000 YouTube subscribers can apply to shoot, produce and edit video content at any of our 8 spaces across the world. All free-of-charge!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our ‪#‎YouTube‬ lounge at the Nonprofit Technology Conference this week! We can’t wait to see what you’ve been inspired to do with ‪#‎GoogleforNonprofits‬. ‪#‎16NTC‬

Google for Nonprofits's photo.

6,500 athletes. 165 countries. 25 different sports. The 2015 Special Olympics World Games brought together a global audience with support from 30,000 volunteers. Discover just how the organization leveraged Google Apps to successfully coordinate their volunteers & staff in addition to using Google Ad Grants to generate a global audience. http://ow.ly/ZTZmo

By 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas. Already, more than 663 million people in the world live without clean water. And drought is a major challenge in geographies ranging from Northern California, which is facing its worst drought in 1,200 years; to east Africa, where a devastating drought has led to crop failures affecting an estimated 23 million people.

To address challenges at this scale, we need creative solutions—both to raise aw...areness for these issues, and create new interventions to meet local needs. So this World Water Day, we want to highlight a handful of organizations who are using technologies—like virtual reality, data analysis, and mapping—to make a difference.

See how water organizations use technology to make an impact! ‪#‎WorldWaterDay‬

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Google for Nonprofits's photo.

Bella Communities has been addressing low-income housing issues and striving towards providing sustainable, affordable solutions since 2009. Today, they harness the power of thousands of community leaders, residents, volunteers and professionals to not only help but empower families for success.

Technology has played a critical role for Bella’s continued success; by utilizing free cloud-based tools through Google Apps for Work, the team built out an IT infrastructure that offered them immense flexibility without the premium investment. This freed up resources to enable their community of volunteers to advocate and empower families.

Read more about how you, too, can “not just get by but get ahead” here!

Interested to learn more about Google’s One Today fundraising platform? Check out https://onetoday.google.com/. If you are a qualified U.S. nonprofit, you too can set up a campaign & start fundraising today! https://onetoday.google.com/home/nonprofits ‪#‎makeithappen‬

One Today lets you easily give $1 each day to causes and nonprofits that inspire you. It's a community of generous people like you doing one good...