Occupy Central Hong Kong expresses support for occupy Taiwan legislature protests

| March 21st, 2014

After one of the leaders of Occupy Central, a pan-democrat protest movement in Hong Kong, visited an outspoken Taiwanese politician last October, critics of Occupy Central claimed the movement was backing “Taiwanese independence.”

A Global Times editorial on October 24 stated that Chu Yiu-ming, then one of the organizers and now the leader of Occupy Central, met Shih Ming-teh in Taiwan. Shih Ming-teh was imprisoned for 15 years by the Kuomintang for allegedly creating the “Taiwan Independence League.” After his release, [...]Read more…

MH370: Did the L.A. Times get fooled by Tianya forum?

| March 20th, 2014

The Los Angeles Times reported that the stolen passports used by two passengers on the plane were used to apply for work permits in China, but is that really true?

The LA Times bases its story on the claim by Xie Zhuoling, who works for a company that recruits foreign performers for entertainment purposes in bars and hotels. He raised his claims on the Chinese forum Tianya, where he posted a photo of a purported employment agreement with Christian Kozel and [...]Read more…

Hunan farmer makes homemade helicopter, flies 40 centimeters

| March 19th, 2014

On March 16, Xinhua reported the story of a Hunan farmer who turned his motorcycle into a helicopter:

Hunan province, Miluo city, Baitang town, Zhou village, villager Li Housheng achieved his dream of flying. Using ordinary steel, a three-wheeled motorcycle engine and parts, he created a tandem rotor “helicopter” and took it for a test flight. Although the 52-year-old Li Housheng’s education level is not high, he has always had a love of aircrafts. He self-studied the relevant material, prying through [...]Read more…

The most disgusting trains in China

| March 17th, 2014

Dirty beds on overnight trains became the focus of discussion in China after a Tencent microblog user shared a photo of the disgusting sheets on his ride from Fujian to Changsha.

“Fuzhou to Changsha, train number K1682, see the sanitation of the bedsheets in the car, everyone click like,” a man named Wang who lives in Fujian wrote.

“I didn’t know before that it could be dirty to such a degree,” Wang said, as quoted by GMW.cn.

Wang had the unfortunate shock of [...]Read more…

Monday Links 3/17/14: Malaysia Airlines, Crimea, and more

| March 17th, 2014
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It’s Monday, and we still don’t know where Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is, but that hasn’t stopped CNN from speculating. What’s new? This past week, a food processing plant was shutdown in Nanjing for using hydrogen peroxide, Chinese cities were found to have experienced high increases in housing prices, and the stories of police officers responding to the Kunming attack were told. These stories topped ChinaHush last week, and the Monday Links include more from elsewhere in China:

The supermarket [...]Read more…

19-year-old unmarried migrant worker kills her baby

| March 16th, 2014

A 19-year-old unmarried mother killed her baby by throwing the baby into a river to drown. The mother is a migrant worker in Jiaxing city of Zhejiang province who works at a foot bathing store. She didn’t know who was the father.

When she went to the hospital in July 2013 because of stomach pain, she found out that she was already deep into pregnancy. “She didn’t want anyone to know she was giving birth, even more, she didn’t have any [...]Read more…

Illegal food processing plant in Nanjing found using hydrogen peroxide

| March 15th, 2014

On March 14, an illegal meat processing plant in Nanjing was found to have pig trotters immersed in a hydrogen peroxide solution.

The Yangzi Evening Paper reported (via Xinhua):

Yesterday afternoon around 1 pm, Yangzi Evening Paper reporters arrived in the Guandong Paotai community after receiving a tip. Here there is a building that is going to be torn down. … Entering through a small door, walking through a narrow alleyway into a residential courtyard, around a few bends, a strange smell [...]Read more…

The Heroes of Kunming

| March 15th, 2014

“I’m here, Come and stab me! Come! Come! Come!” – Zhang Liyuan

Zhang Liyuan

In the aftermath of the Kunming Railway Station knife attack, police officers and witnesses are starting to tell their stories. In the midst of evil, bravery came out from many of the officers, security guards, and citizens at the scene. Here are some of them, starting with the train station police officer Zhang Liyuan.

At the scene of the 3-01 Kunming Railway Station knife attack, Zhang Liyuan (张立元), [...]Read more…

Cities with the highest housing inflation in 2013

| March 11th, 2014

Housing prices continue to rise quickly in China. According to data from City House.cn, 14 major cities experienced increases of over 10% in the price of housing from February 2013 to February 2014.

Some of those increases happened in the usual places: Beijing, already the most expensive city in China, experienced a 14.6% increase, and the coastal city of Xiamen experienced a 15.1% increase, the fourth highest for the year.

Other hot markets are less well known: Langfang, Hebei province; Liuzhou, Guangxi; [...]Read more…

Father has an affair with daughter’s roommate, has child

| March 10th, 2014
A photo of the roommate, Li Mou.

The scandalous story of a father having an affair with her daughter’s roommate and having a child went viral in February when the daughter exposed her father in order to get revenge.

A photo of the roommate, Li Mou.

The Shenzhen City Paper reported the story on February 17 (pdf):

“My college roommate hooked up with my father, and now she is pregnant and will have the baby! Father, how can you treat me and mother this way?” On the evening of [...]Read more…

The WeChat Killers

| March 9th, 2014
first draft

Translated from the Jinling Evening News on March 4:

On October 22, 2013, in Tongda International district of Taiyuan city, Shanxi province, a woman was murdered in her home. The police quickly arrested murderer Li Jian. Li Jian explained that a rich woman named Cao Lihua used a fake corporate WeChat account to recruit the killer, and she personally trained him, meticulously planning for years. Cao Lihua instigated it!

On February 16, 2014, Taiyuan’s office of the procuratorate charged Cao Lihua and [...]Read more…

Photos of Plum Blossom Festival in Nanjing

| March 7th, 2014

Each year, Plum Blossom Festival signals that spring is coming soon in Nanjing. The plum blossom trees at Nanjing’s Zijin Mountain (紫金山) are among the most beautiful in China. In March, these plum blossoms come out in full bloom. This has been promoted as Plum Blossom Festival (梅花节) since 1996.

The best viewing areas of Plum Blossom Mountain and Plum Blossom Valley of Zijin Mountain. Plum Blossom Mountain is a hill covering 400 acres with 18 kinds of flowers and 15,000 [...]Read more…

“I wish you would return my smile”: Cartoonist’s plea to the nation

| March 6th, 2014

Earlier this week, ChinaHush reported on the “I am a Xinjiang Person” social media campaign meant to discourage discrimination that has come about in the wake of the Kunming knife attack, which was reportedly carried out by Xinjiang separatist terrorists.

Xinjiang is officially a Uyghur autonomous province, and a plurality, 43 percent, of the residents are Uyghurs. Xinjiang has fallen under Chinese influence or control for much of history, but it has also been the site of wars and rebellions. [...]Read more…