Unasur delegation expected Tuesday in Caracas 'to follow the political dialogue'

While the death toll climbs to at least 36, the Venezuelan government announced opposition lawmaker Machado is no longer a member of the National Assembly While the death toll climbs to at least 36, the Venezuelan government announced opposition lawmaker Machado is no longer a member of the National Assembly

The Unasur (Union of South American Nations) committee to follow the political dialogue in Venezuela will be meeting in Caracas Tuesday and Wednesday this week in Caracas, reported officially the Ecuadorean Foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño.

Argentina ready to sign for the Israeli Kfir Block 60 fighter aircraft

The Kfir has been flying for the Ecuadorian and Colombian air forces The Kfir has been flying for the Ecuadorian and Colombian air forces

Argentina is advancing in negotiations with Israel for the purchase of the multi-purpose combat aircraft Kfir Block 60, which is supposed to replace the aging Mirage III, on service for over four decades.

Venezuela's state prosecutor says security forces have 'committed excesses'

Luisa Ortega said that at least 60 investigations have been opened Luisa Ortega said that at least 60 investigations have been opened

Venezuela's top state prosecutor has affirmed that security forces had committed “excesses” in breaking up nearly two months of opposition protests against the government of President Nicolas Maduro that have left at least 34 dead

The Falklands/Malvinas: Brazil’s next regional headache?

When Foreign Secretary William Hague recently visited Brazil, the Falklands/Malvinas issue was not on the agenda, according to Stuenkel When Foreign Secretary William Hague recently visited Brazil, the Falklands/Malvinas issue was not on the agenda, according to Stuenkel

By Oliver Stuenkel (*) - Brazil, foreign policy observers often point out, is blessed. Contrary to many other emerging powers such as China or India, it is located in a region that rarely experiences interstate tension or war. Not only can Brazil live on a relatively small defense budget, while India is the world's largest arms importer. Br...


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