Euro in crisis

In-depth news, commentary and analysis of the eurozone’s debt crisis and its faltering recovery as it struggles with austerity and attempts to regain competitiveness

Cost of Irish bank bailout highlighted

Merrill Lynch advice heaps pressure on government


Eurozone crisis interactive
Key moments in the eurozone crisis and a breakdown of bailout spending so far

Greece unlocks €10bn aid tranche

Deal reached with international lenders on structural reforms

German court rejects EU fund complaints

Risks to limit ESM dispelled by ruling

Eurozone February inflation dips

Revised figure adds to worries about threat of deflation

The euro’s strength poses problems for business

Many multinationals now find themselves exposed to swings of as much as 20%

Ingram Pinn illustration

The spectre of eurozone deflation

The ECB is failing. The aim must be to raise inflation, particularly in surplus countries

Greece’s plight offers clue on EU banks

Establishing reasons for estimated capital shortfalls is key

Europe cannot ignore deflation problem

The ECB sees the evidence but its economic models ignore financial markets

Give them some credit

Despite growth in the eurozone, smaller businesses still struggle to find affordable funding

Renzi needs more than reforms

The immediate tasks will be to sort out the country’s banks and stand up to its European partners

Draghi counters euro upswing

Rates guidance seen as likely to weigh on single currency

Italy tax-cutting plans fuel debt worries

Concerns rise in Brussels and Frankfurt about Renzi’s reforms

Euro’s relentless rise confounds traders

Latest gains result of ECB appearing to rule out fresh action

Renzi pledges tax cuts and labour reforms

Low-paid workers to receive boost through tax cuts

ECB to probe €3.7tn of bank assets

Central bank unveils asset quality review methodology

Three Athens lenders return to bond market

Creditors drop demand that institutions raise extra €2bn

ECB poised for interest rate decision

Most economists consider a cut unlikely following robust data

Draghi calls eurozone ‘island of stability’

ECB keeps rates at record low and raises growth outlook

Italy pressed to move on economic reform

Brussels focuses on Rome’s failure to lower sovereign debt levels

Draghi seeks to revive reviled securities

ECB president backs ‘plain vanilla’ asset-backed securities

Eurozone sovereign debt sales stabilise

Investor concerns shift towards emerging markets

Eurozone manufacturing continues to grow

PMI dips from January high but shows pick up spreading to periphery

Deflation fears depress eurozone yields

Financial markets are betting on ECB asset purchases

Deflation could take Europe by surprise

Expectations of inflation in the region are falling

Eurozone inflation sticks at 0.8%

Higher-than-expected rise in Italian unemployment shocks Renzi

Periphery bank debt at post-crisis peak

Spanish banks lead with $9.3bn issued so far this year

Eurozone growth forecast at 1.2% in 2014

Weaker economies will still struggle, says European Commission

News Analysis

Bond markets weigh risks of eurozone QE

Investors fear widening spreads could threaten Europe’s periphery

Spain leads corporate bond splurge

Issuance in EU periphery rises 22%, Italy declines 9%

Italian bond yields at eight-year low

Response to Moody’s decision to drop negative outlook