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World affairs and politics

The World
The World

Across the globe: Gideon Rachman and his FT colleagues debate international affairs

Westminster blog
Westminster blog

From the corridors of Westminster: Jim Pickard and Kiran Stacey blog on the UK's political scene

Brussels blog
Brussels blog

Notes on the EU's capital: Our Brussels blog looks at the EU's foreign and economic policies

FT Photo Diary
FT Photo Diary

Our picture desk showcases the best images from around the world

Economics and comment

Money supply
Money Supply

Central bank insights: The Money Supply blog brings news, data and opinions on market-moving economics

Gavyn Davies
Gavyn Davies

World view: Gavyn Davies blogs on macroeconomics, economic policymaking and the financial markets

Martin Wolf's exchange
Wolf's exchange

Economics in question: Martin Wolf elicits readers' views on current economic issues

Nick Butler
Nick Butler

Nick Butler examines the relationship between energy and power

Off Message
Off Message

John McDermott and contributors comment on public policy, politics and culture

David Allen Green
David Allen Green

David looks at legal and policy matters from a liberal and critical perspective

Markets, finance and business

FT Alphaville
FT Alphaville

Market insight: Instant market news and commentary


Emerging markets: News and comment from more than 40 emerging economies

Business blog
Business blog

John Gapper and Andrew Hill share their observations on business and strategy.

Tech blog
Tech blog

Dispatches from the tech world: FT experts in San Francisco, London and Taipei upload their views

MBA blog
MBA blog

Business students: MBA students from business schools around the globe blog their experiences

Material world
Material world

Dressed up: Vanessa Friedman blogs on the fashion/luxury industry as well as the subject of dress

FT Data
FT Data

FT data is a collaborative effort from journalists across the FT working in data journalism

FT Long Short
FT Long Short

John Authers takes the 'Long View', while James Mackintosh takes the 'Short View' on investment decisions

Andrew Smithers
FT Long Short

Andrew shares his views on economics and markets