Scandal claims Ireland’s top policeman

Government split as Callinan quits over whistleblowing

Legal blow to Catalan vote

Spain’s constitutional court nullifies ‘declaration of sovereignty’

Irish business leaders call for tax cuts

Employers’ group joins calls for “more ambition” from Dublin

Moscow’s move shows weakness, says Obama

US president describes Russia as a ‘regional power’

Bundesbank hawk signals backing for QE

Weidmann says sovereign bond-buying by ECB is not ‘out of the question’

France strives to boost trade with China

Hollande uses Xi visit to close gap on Germany and UK

Crimea takeover leaves minorities exposed

Tatars and ethnic Moldovans believe Putin offers empty promises

Ukraine’s acting defence minister resigns

Decision follows Russia’s takeover of Crimea

Spain unites to mourn ex-prime minister

Death of Suárez leads to rare outbreak of consensus

Europe ‘upstaged’ by US sanctions

US has less to lose than allies from tougher line on Crimea

Billionaires battle for market share

The vision of a single telecoms market is far from reality

Santander to lift small business lending

Thanks to Putin, Nato will stand test of time

The alliance should consider lifting its restriction on deploying combat forces to the east

US gas exports seen as bargaining chip

Satellite hunters track jet’s flight

British company helped work out likely route of lost aircraft

Russia suspended from G8, but not expelled

Order comes as Obama warns Russia over military action

Russia braced for $70bn in outflows

Obama confirms G7 countries will meet in Brussels in June

Chrystia Freeland and 12 others sanctioned

Russian retaliation follows Canada’s sanctions on Moscow officials

Merkel faces call to toughen Russia stance

German politicians step up pressure over Ukraine crisis

Brussels scuppers Scottish pension hopes

Overhaul of strict EU cross-border funding shelved