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16 January 2007, 10:05 am
Brits Close In On The Title
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Mirror World Championship 2007
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Anna MACKENZIE and Holly SCOTT (GBR) take an 18 point lead into the final day of the Mirror Worlds in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Despite two bullets for their closest rivals, a solid performance by the British team leaves them looking odds on to become the first female World Champions in the class.
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Amidst concerns that the wind was really going to blow hard on the third day of racing, the fleet launched and proceeded directly out of the harbour to the designated sailing area in the bay. The glass dropped sharply on Sunday and the concern was that racing may be blown out. Contrary to expectations the racing was fast and on a flat sea. Three races were completed to bring the race total up to nine for the series and also the first and only discard kicked in at race 8.

Young Tom LOVESEY (GBR) had to come back to shore as he was still unable to sail as a result of bad burns on his legs, from the harsh sun during the pre-Worlds. This has not been a good regatta for him at all.

Aussie Bullet

The first race was started at 10:08 in a light chop and the wind from south southwest at 16 knots. No recalls and the course sailed was number 1, the triangle, sausage. For most of the boats the left side of the course paid and the first boat across the line was Vigilante 9 sailed by DAVIS and COLLOVA, second place went to Mirrajuana with Ricky and Ryan ROBINSON (RSA) and in third Sieraj JACOBS and Ashwin DANIELS (RSA). JACOBS commented that it is a long time since he has done so many stomach crunches!

The day's second race was again over the triangle, sausage course dished up the second first place for South Africa's JACOBS and DANIELS. They were followed by John and Jamie CLEMENTSON (GBR) sailing Whatever and in third place were Juliet and Richard LONG (GBR) sailing on Mesmeriser. The wind switched 10 degrees to the south for the last beat and, true to the form, the right side of the course paid. The slower boats missed the lift on the right and marched up left resulting in a 16 minute gap between the first and last finisher. The wind strength at the start of the race was a very usable 19 knots dropping down to 13 knots at the finish.

Second Bullet For DAVIS

Race number three of the day and race 9 of the series started after the marks were adjusted 10 degrees and on a windward-leeward course in a 13 knot wind. One OCS at the start made it only one infringement for the day. Once again the switches were to the south making the right or inshore side the favoured one. DAVIS and COLLOVA got their second first place for the day, followed by overall leaders MACKENZIE and SCOTT in second with Juliet and Richard LONG bringing up the third place.

Then it was a quick sail back to Algoa Bay Yacht Club, hot soup and an eager wait for the results.

The MACKENZIE and SCOTT express sailing on Simply Gorgeous are still overall leaders with a nett point total of 24. With an 18 point advantage over DAVIS and COLLOVA, the British pair are clear favourites with just three races to go, which would give the Mirror class its first ever female helm and crew as World Champions.

Alan W Straton (As Amended By ISAF). Image, Holly SCOTT and Anna MACKENZIE lead with one day to go:© Leon Hugo/
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