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25 April 2007, 03:34 pm
Ever More International and Professional
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Monohull Open Class International Association News

The AGM of IMOCA was held in Paris on 19 April - a good occasion to mark the progress of this International Class that is in full expansion mode.
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With at least 24 boats expected to race in the championship in 2007, IMOCA continues to attract new French and international entries, confirming its status as the only ISAF international ocean racing class. New recent projects have included skippers from Ireland, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, USA and Spain.

Furthermore, IMOCA has been putting in place the right resources to manage its international development, including a new permanent team with multi-lingual Gregoire METZ as General Manager. This new internal organisation will allow the Class to respond to the increasing demands of an expanding fleet, and equally ensure the fair sporting basis of the Class is maintained as the competitive pressure mounts.

Half of the elected Executive committee is re-voted on each year, and the new team is confirmed as follows :

Luc TALBOURDET, Président of IMOCA since 2004, was re-elected.

Président : Luc TALBOURDET (FRA)
Vice-Présidents : Mike GOLDING (reelected 2007) (GBR) & Dominique WAVRE (SUI)
Secrétaire Général : Roland JOURDAIN (reelected 2007) (FRA)
Secrétaire Générale Adjointe : Tanya BROOKFIELD (elected 2007) (GBR)
Treasurer : Mark TURNER (reelected 2007) (GBR)
Président of the Events Committee : Jean LE CAM (FRA)
Président of the Technical Committee : Vincent RIOU (FRA)

IMOCA : confirmation of exciting 2007/8 programme, and a clear vision for the future

IMOCA, the most successful ever ocean racing professional class with at least 24 fully sponsored campaigns racing this year, has confirmed its World Championship programme for the coming year, and the vision for its future development. In 2007, the focus is in Europe, with destinations further afield under consideration for the future. In addition to the French events, the Calais Round Britain Race - the 1st IMOCA event of the year - and the Transat Jacques Vabre, the 2007 programme also includes the classic Rolex Fastnet Race (UK) and the new Barcelona World Race (Spain).

Events scoring for the IMOCA 2007 World Championship

End April : Finish of the Velux 5 Oceans (Bilbao) - Coefficient 10
June 3 : Calais Round Britain Race - fully crewed - Coefficient 2
June 12 : Rolex Fastnet Race - two-handed - Coeffecient 1
November 3 : Transat Jacques Vabre - two-handed - Coefficient 3
November 11 : Barcelona World Race - two-handed - Coefficient 8

As the Class continues its extraordinary period of growth, it is also preparing for the future, to maintain its attraction. Discussion is ongoing to prepare the period after the 2008 season (The Transat, Vendée Globe), to ensure the programme remains attractive to the sailors and high value for the sponsors.

The 2008-2012 programme will be based around its round the world races. Solo and two-up races will remain the core feature of IMOCA, and races that are purely IMOCA will continue to be favoured. The ongoing internationalisation of the Class will remain a priority.

Monohull Open Class International Association (As Amended By ISAF). Image, Open 60 races like the VELUX 5 OCEANS have help the growth of the IMOCA class:© onEdition
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