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16 December 2009, 04:30 pm
ISAF Sailor Classification Code Updated With Group 2 To Be Eliminated
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ISAF Sailor Classification Code

Following on from decisions taken at the ISAF Annual Conference, the ISAF Sailor Classification Code is changing and starting from 1 April 2010, the category of Group 2 sailors will be eliminated.
The ISAF Sailor Classification Code is a service provided by ISAF, giving events and classes a cost-free, international system for classification of sailors. It is incorporated in ISAF Regulation 22. Following a lengthy consultation process with sailors, classes and events which use the Code, the ISAF Sailor Classification Commission proposed the removal of the Group 2 category of classification with an implementation date of 1 April 2010. The ISAF Council approved this proposal at the ISAF Annual Conference in November.

More Details On The Elimination Of Group 2

The new Classification Code which will be effective 1 April 2010, is now available and published on the ISAF website at The translations in French, Italian, German and Spanish will be published as they become available.

Revised Frequently Asked Questions will be available on the website in English on 15 January. Translations will be available as soon as possible thereafter.

A seminar will be held during Key West Race Week.

Reapplications By Sailors Who Are Currently Classified As Group 2

The Commission will email all Group 2 sailors, some 450 people, in early January. They will be given full instructions on how and when to reapply.

All existing Group 2 sailors will have to reapply.

If they are only using their existing classification after 31 March they may apply from mid February.

If they still need to use their existing classification before 1 April they may only apply after 31 March.

Sailors who do not reapply by 8 April will be placed 'Under Review' and notified.

Sailors applying for a Classification for the first time between now and 31 March who would be Group 2 will be asked for details of when they require to use their Classification.

Find out more about the ISAF Sailor Classification Code at

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