Latest episodes
  • World Weekly with Gideon Rachman
  • Each week World Weekly focuses on some of the major international political stories that are making the headlines - drawing upon the FT's team of foreign correspondents and international analysts to make sense of world events

    Presented by Gideon Rachman

    To take part in the show or to comment please email
  • Will Scotland go it alone? Feb 07, 2014
  • The referendum on Scottish independence takes place in seven months and if the Scots vote to go it alone, they will break up a union which has existed for over 300 years. On Friday, Prime Minister David Cameron made an impassioned plea to Scots: “We want you to stay.” But Mr Cameron’s intervention has been treated by the Scottish Nationalists as a sign of panic from the government in London.

    Gideon Rachman is joined by Mure Dickie, Scotland correspondent, and John McDermott, commentator to discuss what is going on both in the polls and in the wider debate.

    Audio clip of David Cameron provided by Reuters
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FT Arts podcast
  • FT Arts
  • Each week the arts podcast brings you interviews and studio discussions on the latest arts stories and cultural trends, with contributions from the FT’s roster of critics and commentators
  • Social network of the damned: Peter Aspden on hell Feb 07, 2014 - 2:05 pm
  • Forget Sartre. The Royal Opera’s new ‘Don Giovanni’ suggests that, in a hyper-connected world, hell is the absence of other people
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FT Money Show
  • FT Money Show
  • The FT Money Show brings you engaging and insightful coverage of the week’s major personal finance issues. Jonathan Eley and his team of FT journalists dissect the news with the help of leading industry commentators and discuss how the latest events will affect you and your pocket.

    From pensions to private equity, building society accounts to bank shares, the Money Show tackles difficult topics in an entertaining and informative way.

    The FT Money Show is produced by Lucy Warwick-Ching
  • PPI and CPP compensation, investing in China, and solar panels for retirement Feb 06, 2014 - 2:45 pm
  • As banks' total PPI bill nears £20bn, is there anyone else entitled to compensation? Chinese equities have rarely been cheaper but which obstacles remain to investors? And are solar panels really a viable investment for your retirement?
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  • Banking Weekly
  • Each week the FT banking team discuss the biggest banking stories of the week, bringing you global insight and commentary on the top issues concerning this sector.

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  • European stress tests, inside track on Liikanen, plus BoA and Lloyds payouts Feb 03, 2014 - 5:52 pm
  • The banking team is joined by former Liikanen committee member Marco Mazzucchelli to discuss the latest on structural reform to European banks, and Sam Fleming explains the scenarios set out by the European Banking Authority for its upcoming stress tests. Daniel Schäfer has news of Bank of America's $8.5bn payout over mortgage mis-selling, and Martin Arnold sheds light on Lloyds' profit warnings and dividend problem
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Lucy Kellaway's podcast
  • Listen to Lucy
  • Lucy Kellaway, the FT's management columnist, pokes fun at management fads and jargon, and celebrates the ups and downs of office life
  • Colleagues and bosses are not your family Feb 03, 2014
  • Lucy Kellaway says the idea that employees are part of one big, corporate family is delusional
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  • Hard Currency
  • The FT's currency show takes a hard look at what's driving the largest market in the world, discussing market trends, political and economic factors affecting global currencies. Correspondent Alice Ross talks to global experts on the foreign exchange market about their views on the week ahead
  • Is there any relief for emerging markets? Jan 30, 2014 - 12:40 pm
  • With the sell-off in EM currencies deepening, Delphine Strauss, currencies correspondent, asks Koon Chow of Barclays Capital, what is driving investors’ behaviour, how currency weakness will affect other assets - and which countries might welcome depreciation.
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Digital Business: Connected Lives
  • FT Connected Business
  • Information technology provides the infrastructure backbone for companies today. The Connected Business series of podcasts examines how business leaders can use IT to improve performance and exploit new opportunities for growth.

    Presented by Stephen Pritchard
  • The outlook for IT: consumerisation, data, safety and skills Dec 18, 2013
  • In the podcast:

    We look at some of the key developments in technology over the last few years, from consumerisation and the cloud to cybersecurity and the skills gap.

    And we preview some of the key trends for the rest of this decade.

    With guests Peter Cochrane and PA Consulting's David Elton, and Connected Business contributor Stephen Pritchard.
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  • FT Alphachat
  • In each edition of Alphachat, the bloggers from FT Alphaville and an invited guest will delve deeply into a topic or theme related to financial markets. Expect the same wonkiness, humour, and occasional irreverence that you find on Alphaville itself.
  • Economic books of the year Sep 10, 2013 - 11:00 pm
  • In this episode of FT Alphaville's semi-frequent podcast, Cardiff Garcia hosts Diane Coyle and Tyler Cowen to discuss their economics books of the year.
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FT News podcast
  • FT News
  • News and analysis from FT reporters around the world
  • Great tax race Apr 30, 2013 - 7:00 am
  • As the G20 pledges to crack down on multinational tax avoidance, the Financial Times looks at how and why governments help companies reduce their tax burden. Orla Ryan talks to taxation correspondent Vanessa Houlder, Matt Steinglass in Amsterdam and James Fontanella Khan in Brussels about why tax is rising to the top of the political agenda.
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