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Entries starting with G

GAbbreviation for grand.Written abbreviation for gram(s).
G & AWritten abbreviation for general and administrative expenses.
G10Actually eleven nations. The G7 plus Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. G10 central bank governors tend to gather on the...
G20Also known as Group of 20 nations: this is a forum attended by finance ministers and central bank governors from the world's highly...
G24Grouping of 24 developing countries.
G3The world's three leading economic blocs - the US, Japan and the EU. G3 bonds mean bonds issued in US dollars, yen and euros.
G7 or Group of SevenThe world's seven most powerful industrialised countries - the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Canada. The EU is also...
G8The G7 plus Russia. The G7 includes the world's most powerful industrialised countries - the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy and...
GAAPWritten abbreviation for generally accepted accounting principles, the rules and conventions that govern US accounting practice. A company...
GABWritten abbreviation for general arragements to borrow, an agreement between the group of ten (G10) countries and Switzerland, made in 1962...
1-10 of 398 results

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