Matt Kenyon illustration
©Matt Kenyon

The strange revival of Republican America

Demographic and other factors are against the Grand Old Party but its electoral hopes are high

FT Comment top reads

Any changes in wage growth will force the central bank to act
– Philipp Hildebrand
There are parallels with the global banking panic of 2007-08
– Patrick Jenkins
Scientists offer clues to how the Big Bang made something out of nothing
– Anjana Ahuja

Play the long game on sanctions

The region needs to address its dependence on Russian energy and cash

We require a strategy on Russia

Measures should set firm limits on further revisions in eastern Europe, writes Philip Zelikow

Twitter ban could never silence Turks

Desperate measures are a sign that Erdogan faces desperate times, writes Alev Scott

BoE critics shoot wide of the mark

Any plan to keep MPC members’ views a secret would be doomed to fail, writes David Miles

FT Editorial
Fragile by Design cover

Political roots of a rent-seeking racket

An analysis of close ties between governments and bankers is a fine addition to standard economic models. Martin Sandbu reviews ‘Fragile by Design’

Japan’s tax rise risks consuming Abe

Consumption tax rise comes at delicate stage in recovery

Companies take note: raiders can be right

McKinsey’s consultants suggest the best strategy is to listen

illustration of Nemat Shafik

Nemat Shafik, high-flyer joining the BoE

An ability to stay calm in a crisis will prove useful in Threadneedle Street, writes Sam Fleming

Putin bites where predecessors growled

For Russia’s leader the crisis is about the defence of fundamental interests, says Tony Barber


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