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3 August 2001, 04:05 pm
Results For Past Regattas Now Available On the ISAF Calender
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New Features On The ISAF Calender of Events

We have a new feature on the ISAF Calender of Events available on the ISAF website. An additional feature to the original ISAF Calender of Events is that now you can look at past results.
'Regatta Information' Link

You can look at results from past events in one of two ways. Under 'Calender' on the left hand bar is a link 'Regatta Information'. 'Regatta Information' will automatically display the current months events, but also a search can be performed on a month by year basis, you then click on the right of the event under 'results'to bring up the results from that event.

'ISAF Calender' Link

Secondly you can perform a more advanced calender search. If you click on 'ISAF Calender' you can search by 'Event Name;, 'Class', 'Venue', 'Nation', event grading or by more specific event dates. You can search under one area, or a combination to bring up the event, or events you are looking for. Again you can then click on the right hand side under 'results' to look at the results for that event. You can also reach the 'ISAF Calender' by clicking on 'Advanced Search' when you are in the monthly 'Regatta Information'.
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