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19 September 2004, 10:32 am
Day Two
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Nautica Autumn Regatta 2004

In spite of a thunderstorm and persistent heavy rain, Classes were represented on the water in the same numbers as Day one of the Nautica Autumn Regatta.
Starts for Race two were sluggish, but the morning shaped up to give a 9-14 knot swinging Easterly to help the boats up to Tai Koo Shing on their first leg.

The breeze softened after mid-day and the Race Officer, Drew TAYLOR, elected to shorten both the Cruiser and Sportsboat fleets before they missed their cut-off time. Race three started with the Cruisers at 1450hrs, however it quickly became apparent that what little breeze there was, was about to die.

A 25 minute hiatus ensued as the Pandora, Etchells and Sportsboat fleets agonised over whether to accept a 2 race series and head back to the club for a shower and a beer, or hang in for better breeze. Optimists were rewarded when the rain stopped and 4-6 knots of breeze came through - all classes were able to record three results.

Full results are available on the event website at the address below.
Lyndsay Lyons (As Amended By ISAF News Editor)
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