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4 May 2010, 09:51 am
ISAF Launches XML Format For Regatta Reports
ISAF Launches XML Format For Regatta Reports

ISAF Launches XML Format For Regatta Report

The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) recently launched the ISAF XRR, an XML schema designed to bring a universal standard to the exchange of sailing results.
The ISAF XML Regatta Reporting format, or ISAF XRR, has been developed by the Technology Working Party of ISAF's Race Officials Committee. XRR defines a standard that clubs, countries, classes, events or anyone else can use to transfer results and other regatta information in a universal standard.

Patrick Bergmans (BEL), chairman of ISAF's Technology Working Party, said,

"The aim of ISAF XRR is to provide a simple and expandable format that everyone in the sailing world can use to exchange information. The idea behind XRR is not to be prescriptive - anyone can adapt their current systems to produce reports in XRR which can then be exchanged between all systems including systems aimed at quick publication of regatta results, and systems accumulating scores over multiple events, without having to renter data."

ISAF XRR was successfully trialled during the 2008-2009 ISAF Sailing World Cup season. The first official release of ISAF XRR, version 1.3, is available to download from

The current version of XRR provides for the reporting of fleet racing, match racing and team racing results.

Bergmans explains, "This is a just the first version of the format, concentrating on the exchange of results data. Looking forward XRR can be expanded to include many other forms of data such as entry lists , Jury decisions and slowly changing tracking information (for example mark roundings). Fast changing tracking information (geographic position of the boats and other navigation data) will become the object of other publication standards"

Together with the ISAF XRR Schema version 1.3, four example feeds illustrate the use of XRR for providing results from simple and more advanced fleet racing events, match racing and team racing.

ISAF is making XRR available as an XML Schema, a standard method to describe the format of data in the world of computer data communication.

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