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Sailing Federation
1 June 2005, 01:02 pm
Century-Old Transatlantic Sailing Record Falls
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Rolex Transatlantic Challenge 2005

The 100-year old west-to-east race record across the North Atlantic, between New York, USA and the Lizard, Great Britain fell this morning to Robert MILLER's Mari-Cha IV, subject to ratification by the World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC).

Mari-Cha IV, a 140 foot (43m) schooner that is the world's longest modern grand-prix race yacht, crossed the line due south of Cornwall's Lizard point at 10:05:23 UTC making her time for the 2,925 mile course from the Ambrose light off New York harbour, 9 days, 15 hours, 55 minutes and 23 second at an average speed for the course of 12.61 knots. The record set by America's Cup veteran Charlie BARR on board Wilson MARSHALL's Atlantic in the race for the Kaiser's Cup in 1905 was 12 days, 4 hours, 1 minute and 19 seconds, so Mari-Cha IV, despite the inclement weather conditions experienced during the first half of the race, has still taken 2 days, 12 hours, 5 minutes and 56 seconds off the race record. Her official time awaits formal ratification by the WSSRC.

'I am proud to report that Mari-Cha IV crossed the 'virtual' line by the Lizard Lighthouse at 10:05:23 UTC this morning to break Charlie BARR's 100 year old record set on Atlantic back in 1905,' commented owner MILLER. 'The feeling on board was electric but also emotional, as, even though we have crossed the Atlantic faster on board this great boat, this has definitely been the toughest test yet for Mari-Cha IV and her crew. It has been a difficult, hard fought crossing all the way, but now, I am pleased to say, a most satisfying one.'

'However, as is characteristic of this fantastic crew, our moment of joy has been put aside briefly while we continue to push hard racing up the English Channel to complete the second and final part of this race, which will end at the Needles, Isle of Wight. We have come a long way, but will remain focused on being the first boat to cross the race finish line and look forward to taking up our mooring outside the Royal Yacht Squadron later on today.'

The futuristic-looking giant silver hulled racing yacht is due to reach the Needles this evening and from there will continue on to Cowes, Isle of Wight, Great Britain.

Event Media. Image, Record breaker, Mari-Cha IV:© Event Media
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