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Sailing Federation
4 June 2001, 07:25 pm
More Difficult Racing
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Palamos Christmas Regatta

With more very variable and shifting wind in the morning the Race Committee decided to send the Mistral Class, which had completed only one race so far, to the Alfa area together with the 49er.
The 49ers waited ashore. All other classes had to wait two hours on the water for a good southeasterly wind of 8 to 10 knots to become established. During the second race the wind build up to 16 - 18 knots, giving the best sailing conditions (and sunshine) of the regatta so far.

After two races for Mistral, the Race Committee sent them ashore, and it was the turn to the 49er to complete three more races. With very good wind in the late afternoon Mistrals went out on the water again to complete their third race of the day.

Race conditions were difficult again, but this time not for the windshifts, but from a big groundswell which crossed the course area at 90 degrees to the wind, making the windward leg very hard on one tack, and planning conditions on the other.

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