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5 June 2004, 07:43 pm
Line Honours For Team Bouscholte/Van Wieren
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© Wilko Gijsbertsen

Round Texel

Team Bouscholte/Van Wieren crossed the finish line of the Zwitserleven Round Texel at breakneck speed in first position today. This couple needed 2 hours and 41 minutes to round the island with their brand new Eagle 20 garbon.
Zwitserleven team Booth/Dercksen finished fifth with its Hobie Tiger, which is enough for the provisional overall title of 27th Zwitserleven Round Texel. For 602 teams, world's biggest catrace started this morning at 9:30 hours with a northwester force five.

"We went for the line honours. Our goal was to finish first and to beat the Tornado's", said Hans BOUSCHOLTE in a first reaction. The sailors had just unpacked the Eagle 20 carbon. "I am very satisfied with the boat", commented crew Ruurd van WIEREN realistically. The team, sponsored by, took the lead in the first part of the race. "The start was difficult with immediately a shower of rain and changeable wind, but aftwards we were doing very well." The Eagle could maintain the lead during the whole race, but at the end the Tornado was coming closer. Op enige afstand finishte Finally, team Enrique FIGUEROA and Jorge HERNANDEZ from Puerto Rico crossed the line in second position, followed by the Britons Simon NORTHROP and Matt YOUNG.

Initially, Zwitserleven team Booth/Dercksen got a black flag for starting too early. Later, the jury decided that they could not be certain whether it was this team who were in fact over the line. After all, there are several catamarans with the same number. That makes the team of mainsponsor Zwitserleven the provisional overall winner of world's biggest Cat race. The Olympic sailors reacted with enthusiasm: "It was again a beautiful race. Nice to have won this together." The Boulogne brothers from France, the current Formula 18 world champions, are with their Cirrus the provisional second place finishers overall, followed by Darren BUNDOCK and Glenn ASHBY on a Hobie Tiger.

It was another spectacular start. Due to an onshore wind and a moderate surf, many participants had difficutlies leaving the beach. Hundreds of spectators watched the sailors as they fought into the open sea. Thanks to live images shown on the TNG screen, the race could be followed on the beach. People at home could use the event website and displayed live positions with a tracing & tracking system. Race co-ordinator Edwin LODDER. "Despite the weather forecast of the last week, we had fantastic sailing conditions. It was great that all live applications were functioning. Therefore the people on Texel and anywere else in the world, were able to follow the race. We are definitely looking back at a succesful event."

Full results from the race are available on the event website at the address below.
Event Media (As Amended By ISAF News Editor)
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