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1 June 2004, 11:11 am
Team7 Take The Lead
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Round Britain And Ireland Challenge
Round Britain And Ireland

After the Scilly's, yesterday's leader BP Explorer chose the north going tack whilst the rest of the fleet chose west as they beat their way up to Waypoint Alpha off the south west coast of Ireland.
The latest results show the tactic working for Team7 who have taken a 3 mile lead , with Barclays Adventurer in second and BP Explorer dropping back to third, 5 miles from the leader.

It has been a bumpy night with seasickness causing a few problems among the fleet - Team Save the Children reported a tough night as they slipped down the leaderboard. "We've had a horrible night. The wind picked up late last night and gave us a bit of a hammering. We have a high 'casualty' rate on board as far as seasickness is concerned" reported their skipper Paul KELLY.

The wind is forecast to stay in the north west force 4 to 6 so it will be interesting to see who has made the right call. Will the gamble pay off for BP Explorer? Full positions are available on the event website at the address below.
Event Media (As Amended By ISAF News Editor)
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