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20 March 2003, 10:57 am
AYF Appoint National Development Officer
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Australian Yachting Federation

The Australian Yachting Federation welcomes aboard Chris Mamo, the new National Development Officer.

Chris' education and experience will combine together to develop the AYF Targeted Sports Participation Growth Program - On Board, a national network for introducing more people to sailing.

The program, funded by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) for an initial period of three years, is designed to encourage people to participate in sailing and to increase the take up of membership of yacht clubs.

Chris' responsibilities as AYF National Development Officer include:

  • Overall coordination of the On Board program on time and on budget
  • Development of a detailed plan for the roll out of the On Board program
  • Co-ordination of internal On Board program meetings
  • Fulfillment and monitoring of the agreement with the ASC
  • Attendance and presentation at all National and MYA briefings
  • Liaison with the Member Yachting Associations and with On Board SDO in particular
  • Co-ordination of production of all marketing and other materials
  • Securing of commercial sponsorship (in conjunction with AYF CEO)

Chris' artistic talents saw him start out as a graphic designer, before deciding to integrate his keen interest in sport with his work.

Having studied a Bachelor of Leisure Studies and Masters of Applied Science (Parks and Recreation Management), Chris worked as an Events Manager in Community Recreation in a local government setting. His job was to generate community participation in recreation and activities.

Chris went on to set up his own events management business Kinetic Events, handling mostly multi sport events, such as triathlons.

More recently, Chris held the position of Operations Manager at Sydney University Women's Sports Associations, responsible for general management and marketing of their sporting facilities.

"We are delighted to have Chris join us", said Phil Jones, AYF CEO. "His experience in the operation of sports events and organisations will be invaluable as we roll out the On Board Program. We are particularly grateful to the ASC for their support for the program," Jones said.

Chris will keep himself busy this year lecturing part time, whilst completing his MBA at Charles Sturt University. He will ensure, however, that he leaves enough time to get out on the water to learn to sail.

Details of the On Board Program will appear on the AYF website as they become available. The official launch and roll out of the program will be in July, 2003.

Simone Green/ISAF Secretariat
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