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4 April 2005, 03:48 pm
Championship Launched In Italy
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Soling World Championship 2005
Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy

The 2005 Soling World Championship was launched on Friday with the official presentation in the Castiglione della Pescaia's Municipality Hall. Olympic gold medallist Alessandra SENSINI (ITA) was joined by the local media at the press conference to receive information and the official schedule of the event.
The 2005 Soling World Championship starts 20 May, with the official measurement following 21-22 May and the opening ceremony in the Piazzale Solti on the evening of the 22 May. The first of seven championship races is scheduled for 1400 hours (local Italian time) on Monday 23 May with racing continuing until Friday 27 May.

During the press conference the Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia Commodore, Sonia ANDREI introduced the speeches giving a short background of Castiglione's sailing history while the Italian Soling secretary, Domenico CARDUCCI and the CVCP Sport Director, Michele TOGNOZZI detailed the schedule.

Castiglione della Pescaia Mayoress, Monica FAENZI thanked the CVCP for promoting the sport and local tourism with such an important event. Provincia di Grosseto secretary of sport, Cinzia TACCONI explained how important this event will be for the Maremma Region, which is becoming increasingly better known for it's sailing spots.

Alessandra SENSINI, who counts three Olympic medals in the Mistral Class and is an honorary member of CVCP, closed the conference with supportive words for the CVCP and wished fair winds upon the Soling World Championship.

The Championship already counts a big fleet with 42 teams from 13 countries with an expected total of 45-50 boats.

Event Media (As Amended By ISAF). Image, Action From The Soling Italian Championship:@ CVCP
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