Alerts hub

Email briefings video

  • What is the email briefings service and how do I sign up for it? video
    • Serkan

My alerts FAQ

  • What different alert types are available?
    • The different alert types can be accessed by selecting the drop down within the “My alerts” tab. Please note that “author alerts” is not currently contained within the “My alerts” tab.
      • Company news and price alerts:
        Receive alerts when company-related news stories are published, or when new company content – such as annual reports, video and slideshows – becomes available. Set price and volume alerts based on market criteria.
      • Index alerts:
        Receive notifications when there are shifts or trends in international market indices.Keyword alerts: Receive instant or daily notifications as soon as articles are published on your specific keyword terms.
      • Portfolio alerts:
        Receive daily, weekly or monthly summarise of your portfolio performance.Lexicon alerts: Receive a daily alert featuring the current term of the day from our Lexicon site.
  • How many alerts am I entitled to?
    • Company news alerts vary depending on whether you are registered or subscribed.
    • Registered users can create up to 10, subscribers get up to 15 and premium users up to 30.
    • You can set up one Lexicon alert, and one alert per portfolio for as many portfolios as you have.
    • Please note, you must be registered or subscribed with to receive email alerts.
  • What time of day will my alerts get delivered?
    • Company news and price alerts, and index alerts, will be sent when the specified criteria is met.
    • For example, if you have opted in to receive an alert when PSON: LSE makes a new 52 week high, you will only receive the alert once this event has occurred.
    • For keyword alerts, you can opt in to automatically receive an alert when an article is published containing the specified keywords, or limit this to only being sent at a certain time each day as defined when you set up the alert.
    • All other alerts types are delivered daily at the time you specify as part of the alerts set up.
  • How can I create more accurate keyword alerts?
    • Keyword alerts can be enhanced by including the “AND” and “NOT” operators, or by enclosing specific phrases in quotation marks. For example, searching for Eurozone AND “debt crisis” NOT Greece will return results including both Eurozone and debt crisis but will exclude results that also make reference to Greece.
  • How do I change the email address my alerts get sent to?
    • There is a preferences tab within the alerts hub where you specify the email address you wish the alert to be sent to. You can include up to two different email addresses.
  • What happens if I want to stop receiving alerts for a short time period?
    • Within the preferences tab you can chose to make alerts inactive for an indefinite time period, or use the “Vacation” option to set a specific time period for which alerts shouldn’t be triggered.
  • What format are email alerts delivered in?
    • Alerts can be sent in HTML or Text, as specified in the preferences tab.
  • How do I delete or unsubscribe from an alert?
    • Alerts can be deleted from within the alerts hub by selecting the grey cross next to the alert type you wish to remove. You can also unsubscribe using from within the email, using the “unsubscribe” link located within the email footer.

Author alerts FAQ

  • What is an author alert?
    • It’s a single email sent once a day at 6am London time. The email includes headlines, excerpts, and links to articles written by the FT journalists you’ve opted to get alerts for. Articles published in the preceding 24 hours are included. The FT launched this service on March 13, 2014.
  • How do I sign up?
    • Go to an article written by the FT journalist you’d like to get alerts for. By their name at the top of the article, you’ll see the option for “Author alerts”. Hovering over that will enable you to “Start alerts”. At present it’s possible to follow 42 of our journalists, all of whom are columnists. We’re working on adding more of our journalists soon.
  • When is the author alerts email sent?
    • Every day at 6am London time. It will include articles published in the last 24 hours.
  • Can I be notified more or less frequently?
    • Apologies, at the moment this isn’t possible, but we’re working on expanding the options we offer.
  • Why didn’t I receive my daily email?
    • The most likely explanation is that none of the journalists you get alerts for published an article in the last 24 hours, and we don’t want to take up space in your inbox just to tell you that – it’d be a bit greedy of us! However, if you think there is a fault, please get in touch with us on, call us on these numbers, or tweet us @FTcare.
  • How do I manage these alerts?
    • The easiest way to manage author alerts is on the email itself. Click on the links in the email to unsubscribe from an author. To opt out entirely click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email. You’ll be asked to confirm that you definitely want to unsubscribe and thereafter we’ll immediately adjust your settings. It’s also possible to stop the alerts on an article itself by hovering over “Author alerts” and then selecting “Stop alerts”.
  • Why do I get “Sorry, this service is temporarily unavailable.” when I try to start an author alert?
    • The service might disconnect on pages that are left idle for more than 10 minutes. We appreciate that this might be frustrating and we’re working on improvements. Please try refreshing the page or navigating away from it and then back. If you still get this message, please get in touch with our Customer Support Team. They can be reached via, these numbers, or on Twitter @FTcare.
  • Who do I send feedback to?
    • If you have a question, or would like to raise an issue with our Customer Support Team, they can be reached via, these numbers, or on Twitter @FTcare. They are best placed to investigate any issues. If, however, you’d like to let us know what you think about author alerts or would like to suggest that a particular feature be added, please email Joseph Cera ( Product Manager) and Lisa Pollack (Head of New Projects for We’d be happy to hear from you.

Corporate services emails FAQ

  • What are Corporate Services emails?
    • They are daily topic based email briefings exclusively for corporate subscribers. The emails consolidate articles on a particular topic from across into one daily email. There are 23 standard emails. Corporate customers can also request a custom email which is tailored to meet their specific information requirements
  • How can I access the emails?
    • The emails are available on the alerts hub at You can set the format of the email design (text or html, one or two column design) and the time you receive the emails (6am Hong Kong, London or New York time)
  • What are the key features to be aware of?
    • The latest news from your industry:
      The emails are populated on a daily basis with relevant articles from multiple sections of, including Lex, comment, blogs and special reports.
    • Video:
      They also include video reports from the FT’s leading journalists and exclusive interviews with CEOs and business leaders.
    • Markets data:
      The headline financials for each topic are included.
    • Branding:
      Your company name and logo in the email. For publicly traded companies we can also add the latest pricing information on your company directly in to the emails.
  • How do I create a custom alert?