I'm having trouble uploading a profile photo

Be sure you're uploading your profile photo correctly. Click here to find out how.

If your photo won't upload, try these things:

  1. Check your file type. Twitter supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. Profile photos with nudity will be removed.
  2. Check the dimensions. Recommended dimensions for profile images are 400x400 pixels. Recommended dimensions for header images are 1500x500 pixels.
  3. Try uploading one of the header images from our gallery. We have perfectly sized header images which you can apply to your account. If the issue you experienced is resolved, you can use our image as a template and resize your preferred image accordingly.  
  4. Make sure your browser is up to date. Try upgrading your browser or using another browser. Your upload problem may be related to the browser or computer you're using.
  5. Make sure you click 'Save changes' at the bottom of your Profile settings page. Your image won't save until you click that. 

    Are parts of your header image being cropped?

    If you are using a header image with the recommended dimensions and notice that parts of it are being cropped, it is most likely because of the way these images are displayed on different monitor sizes and in different browsers (60 pixels on the top and bottom could be cropped).

      Troubleshooting tips not working?

      Try another browser or another computer to see if it's a browser specific problem.

      Still need help? Contact Support.

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