Txioak / Guztiak / Erantzunik ez

  1. -(e)k bertxiotua

    Inspired to try disability skiing after our amazing silver medal win today at the Paralympics? We have all the info!

  2. -(e)k bertxiotua
  3. . lose out to a strong Canadian side 6-3 in their opening match

  4. We're into the final end between & Canada. Can GB come back from 5-3 down?

  5. We're into the seventh end in the Ice Cube and Canada have taken a 4-3 lead

  6. -(e)k bertxiotua

    Congrats to Jade Etherington and guide Caroline Powell on taking silver in Sochi - 1st Team GB skiing medal since 1994!

  7. -(e)k bertxiotua

    FACT: That silver for and guide Caroline Powell is 's first on the snow since Lillehammer 1994.

  8. -(e)k bertxiotua

    A fast race for on the Downhill course but unfortunately a crash ends her race early

  9. -(e)k bertxiotua

    It's her birthday tomorrow and and guide Caroline Powell are celebrating early with silver!

  10. SILVER MEDAL: & win silver for in the women's visually impaired downhill

  11. Over in the Curling Centre, . take the second end by a single stone to extend their lead over Canada to 2-0

  12. . get off to a great start, taking a 1-0 lead over World Champions Canada in the first end

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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