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Ronnie Bincer
Radi u The Hangout Helper, Hangout & HOA Coaching, Video SEO, YouTube Tips, Google+ Tips, Google Plus Strategies, HOA Production, HOA Moderation
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Ronnie Bincer

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Fotografija profila korisnika Ronnie BincerFotografija profila korisnika Nazim Beltran
Just a few pics that I've been working on to make the HOA show as useful as possible for those watching live and recorded afterwards. Link to the Public event is up top or here: It starts about 25 hrs. from now at 12 noon EDT Thursday March 20, 2014.
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Ronnie Bincer

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So do you think Google would ever let you brand a HOA?
The Google+ watermark that shows on all Hangouts and HOA in the upper left is what +Dave Webster hopes to see change. Maybe you could have your company logo there instead.

Dave is asking you to 'send feedback' and reference "#04035605 Subject: Hangouts Logo personalization" You can access the feedback area via the menu as Dave mentions below or by simply typing @ in a grey area on your screen. Give it a go... who knows maybe it could work! #nn  
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I'd like to build on +martin shervington bit of fun using G+ if you all would allow me to do so.

I've asked Google to consider a feature request which in plain English means changing their current software. The idea came from a fellow G+ fan +Krishna De who would like the Google+ watermark in hangouts to be customisable. This could be done in Google Apps for Business if enough people request it so this is where you all come in.

To gain support please quote Case: #04035605 Subject: Hangouts Logo personalization in the FEEDBACK area that is found in the Google+ navigation section on the left hand navigation menu.

This would really help business users of Google Apps as they can put their own BRAND in place of Google which is possible already, just not when using Hangouts.

So please help if you can  and Share this post to others and let's see if we can really use the power of social to effect a real change.

Thanks in advance and more details can be found below:-

Subject: RE: [#04035605] Hangouts Logo personalization [
ref:_00D00VNwG._50060Xxxqb:ref ]

Hello Dave,

Thanks again for the further clarification, the feature request has been
submitted to the relevant team, reviewed and accepted so all it rest on
now is a high enough demand, once that's there, the feature will be
included in one of the upcoming releases.

Please note that Google handles feature requests on a rolling basis.
Although the appropriate team is aware of this request, it's not possible
for us to provide updates for each individual customer on the status of
their request, nor guarantee its implementation. I recommend you check out
the Google Apps Blog at for updates
(you can sign up for email notifications on new features), or reference
the Help Forum to follow updated reports among users.

I'm happy that I was able to assist you Dave and I will go ahead and close
this case shortly, however, please feel free to re-open it in the next 30
days by replying to this message with any further case related queries you
may have and I will be more than happy to provide you with my further

We aim to offer all of our customers an excellent support experience so,
with this in mind, please do not hesitate to contact the Enterprise
Support team in the future should you need to do so.


Google Enterprise Support

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Dave Webster []
Sent: 3/13/2014 7:32 AM
Subject: RE: [#04035605] Hangouts Logo personalization [
ref:_00D00VNwG._50060Xxxqb:ref ]

Hello Martin,

Good job and I have attached an example where this can be done within the
current supported customised branding when using Google Apps for Business.

Thanks and I will see if we can ask other users to support this feature

Thanks and have a good weekend


-----Original Message---
From: Martin []
Sent: 13 March 2014 07:22
Subject: [#04035605] Hangouts Logo personalization [
ref:_00D00VNwG._50060Xxxqb:ref ]

Hello Dave,

Thank you again for contacting Google Enterprise Support, it was a
pleasure speaking to you. I understand that you would like to allow the
option to change the Google+ Hangouts watermark as in the upper left
corner within the actual hangout itself (example 0.png),
is that correct?

Can you please provide me with the following information:

- Feature Description: Customizable Google+ Hangouts 'during a hangout'
watermark which is currently reading: "Google+
- Current Functionality: Not Supported
- Desired Functionality: Customization and personalization by being able
to insert a company logo instead, replacing the Google branding within.
- Number of Users Impacted: Everyone
- The business/organization need for this feature to be implemented in
terms of impact on revenue, costs, or employee/student productivity:
The ability to personalize and customize all Google services by making
them less Google branded and more organization branded instead would most
certainly attract more customers and also improve the business / customer

I took the liberty and tailored the above template for you, however, feel
free to edit any of the fields to your likes and I will be more than happy
to send a feature request to our developer team on your (and also my own)
behalf once you provide me with the above information, and please note
that this can be also done from within your Google Apps services clicking
the 'Send feedback' button located in the Help section or Settings section
of the relevant service in the future by yourself should you have any
further feature requests or ideas on how we could improve our services
even further.

I'm looking forward to your response Dave and please feel free to respond
with any Google Apps related queries you may have and I will happily offer
you my additional support.


Google Enterprise Support
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Fotografija profila korisnika Mari Black
Taking Google+ out of Hangouts is pretty much a horrible idea. Although it should have your brand in the spotlight, but this is pretty much crossing out Google+
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Ronnie Bincer

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A little more info on Hangouts and HOA outage right now. Plus this link: #nn  
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Now - Emergency Maintenance for Hangouts
Google+ Hangouts is currently undergoing emergency maintenance that is impacting starting of Hangouts on Air (including those launched from YouTube interface- "Quick" type).  Regular YouTube live events are not impacted- "Custom" type. 

Our engineers are working on it right now. We cannot provide an estimated resolution time at the moment, but we'll keep you informed.

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Fotografija profila korisnika Dustin W. StoutFotografija profila korisnika Sheryl LochFotografija profila korisnika Antonio VieiraFotografija profila korisnika Ileane Smith
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One advantage of Time Zones was I slept through it all :)
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It Takes a Team Effort to run Mobile HOA Broadcasts like we did
We recently had a great team create more than 30 live HOA Broadcasts from the streets of Austin TX during SXSW2014.

The details on how it all worked and what it took to get things setup and running the way we did will be explained in a Public HOA session Thursday 20-March - hope you can come watch either live or recorded afterwards.

I'd like to personally thank all those that spent many hours training to be ready and then many more hours executing the process so that I and +Jeff Sieh could provide you, the Public with live broadcasts from SXSW.

As part of the membership group we have called Hangout Mastery, all members were offered an opportunity to learn the process and volunteer their time to gain valuable experience running a series of events and managing the remote mobile camera options that mobile HOA (Hangouts on Air) offers us today.

If you think about it, this type of broadcasting was limited to major news networks not so long ago... now it is in our hands as well.

The following people were part of the #SXSWmobileHOA  effort
+Jeff Sieh on the ground cameraman
+Michael Daniels main HOA Host and coordinator
HOA Hosts listed in no particular order:
+Debi Davis +Lori Sailiata +Susan Finch +Travis Taylor +Bruce McCallum +Adreana Langston +Volker Harbecke +Scott Scowcroft +Robyn Mather +Andrew Hatchett +B.L. Ochman +Jean Layton +James Wirth +Krishna De +Janet Hamilton & +Irene Brodie 
A Big Thank You goes out to all the team members listed here... without you, this would not have been the success it was. I hope you enjoyed the journey and look forward to more collaboration like this in the future. Here is a playlist of the videos we made:

Extra Kudos to +Jeff Sieh for the graphic here and the awesome trailer video he created for us.

If you want to join into group efforts like this, contact one of the team members listed here and see if they have an affiliate link you can use to join the Hangout Mastery program.
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#MobileHOA   #MobileBroadcasting   #MobileHangoutsOnAir  
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Fotografija profila korisnika Bruce McCallumFotografija profila korisnika Jeff SiehFotografija profila korisnika B.L. OchmanFotografija profila korisnika Scott Scowcroft
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+William Rock I know that story as the Stone Soup story - thanks for reminding me about it!
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Hangouts On Air Legal Agreement - this is what you said "YES" to
When we first sign up and say we want to broadcast via Hangouts on Air (HOA), we have to check/tick a box stating that we accept the terms...

Most of us do that without really reading the details, so I offer all the links you may have skipped over below so you can actually look into what you signed off on earlier.

Key points to think about:
You are responsible for what is broadcast.
Your account will be penalized even if it was someone else in your show that caused an issue.

Here are all the links in the agreement area as of 3/15/2014 in the order they appear from top to bottom...

Google+ user content and conduct policy:

Learn more (YouTube)
YouTube terms:

Learn more (Copyright)

Google+ Hangouts on Air - additional terms (Scrolling box)

blocking feature:

Google Terms of Service:

Google+ user content and conduct policy:

privacy policy:

YouTube terms of service:

YouTube Community Guidelines:

Checkbox on bottom...
Google+ Hangouts On Air terms:

YouTube terms:

### ###
If you are serious about making HOA work for you, then please consider joining into the Hangout Mastery group via
=== ===
#TOS    #HOAtips   #HangoutsOnAir    #HOAagreement   #HOAterms  
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Fotografija profila korisnika Jean LaytonFotografija profila korisnika Scott ScowcroftFotografija profila korisnika Christopher PearsallFotografija profila korisnika Jeffrey Lapin
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+Tomi Sarpola the only thing to do is contact YouTube and fight the claims. Once a video is tagged, you loose capability to download it I think.
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Mobile HOA equipment list March 2014
This year we got a bit more interactive with our Mobile Hangouts on Air (HOA) activity at SXSW. Last year the equipment list had a little less in the way of Audio and Audio Boosting, but we needed to hear the people in the filmstrip of the HOAs this time around.

Special thanks to +Jeff Sieh for his companionship and the great job he did as the 'cameraman' for the various broadcasts and interviews we did. This was certainly a Team Effort, so Big Kudos go out to the team of HOA hosts that were on standby - all Hangout Mastery members - to start up the HOA, as we still are not allowed to initiate HOA broadcasts from a mobile device. Maybe someday that will change, but I'm not holding my breath.

If you have not seen the videos we made, check out this video playlist which includes 32 videos plus an awesome trailer video by the talented cameraman Jeff Sieh.

We will have a Public HOA discussing how this equipment was used and the processes established to make it such a dynamic success. Here is the link to the Public Wrap-Up HOA Event .

There will be a Private HOA for Hangout Mastery members only one day after the Public HOA which will go much further into the nitty gritty details… you can become a member & watch that HOA live or recorded via

Equipment used:
1. Splitter: XLR Jack to Mobile Phone
2. USB/XLR Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR2100
3. Boostaroo 3 stereo jacks Audio Booster
6. Portable Speaker1: iFrogz Boost 
7. Portable Speaker2: Hype Bomb Speaker (or Walmart)
9. Monopod: iStabilizer Monopod
10. Phone Mount: iTrek Super Mount F
11. Portable USB Charger: Zagg SPARQ
Velcro 8" Strips (not shown) holds things together

To see a higher resolution version of this picture without the text callouts click here:
=== ===
#MobileHOA #HOAtips #SXSWmobileHOA
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Fotografija profila korisnika Eunike KartiniFotografija profila korisnika Gary StocktonFotografija profila korisnika Jeff ZajasFotografija profila korisnika B.L. Ochman
23 komentara
Ronnie, In order to keep costs down I'm looking at a prepay Samsung Galaxy Legend which uses the Verizon network. Then buying the 3 gig add on for $20 good for three months. How many gig's did you use in a 5 minute LIVE HOA segment?
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Ronnie Bincer

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What to do when Hangouts are not working...
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10 Fun Things to Do When Hangouts Are Down

If you're like me, and millions of people around the world, you rely on Google Hangouts for instant messaging, group texting, video calls and much more. However, from time to time, we are reminded that even our beloved technology isn't flawless.

It's during times like these where I try to think of ways that I can approach the situation with positivity and good humor. For that, I give you ten fun things to do when Google Hangouts are down:

10. Visit the zoo and ride a hippopotamus

9. Learn to play the guitar

8. Download, attempt to play and furiously uninstall some Flappy Bird clone

7. Read an ebook

6. Organize your desk

5. Make a telephone call

4. Refill the paper in the copy machine

3. Go to Starbucks

2. Get some work done

1. Share an original post on your favorite social media platform.
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Fotografija profila korisnika Michael EllisFotografija profila korisnika Ervin RuheFotografija profila korisnika Sarah SantacroceFotografija profila korisnika Wayne Meador
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Funny here in Europe I didn't even notice. Just slept through the whole thing!
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There is a system problem with Hangouts and HOA right now
{{This has been resolved}}
Check this link for details:
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Fotografija profila korisnika Rich CederbergFotografija profila korisnika Mark TimberlakeFotografija profila korisnika Elaine NieberdingFotografija profila korisnika Jason T. Wiser
Broj komentara: 6
As of 1:28pm MDT Google said:
The problem with Google+ Hangouts should be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. Please rest assured that system reliability is a top priority at Google, and we are making continuous improvements to make our systems better.
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Google Plus Mobile App and HOA Events
In the past there were quite a few differences between the way the Google plus mobile app could interact with each different type of "HOA Event"... Now there are more similarities.

This graphic below shows the Mobile App view of the 2 main types of Google+ Events you might use if you are a creator of Hangouts on Air (HOA) and package them inside Google plus Events.

The one on the left is the Traditional Event which is built via the Events menu, and allows you to manually insert a HOA YouTube View link. The one on the right is the newer format of a HOA Event which starts via the Hangouts menu and in essence still creates an Event.

Not too long ago the Traditional Event (left side) allowed for more interaction on mobile via the comments, but lacked the ability to view the embedded video (HOA or trailer) as part of the Event.

Now it seems that both formats allow the viewing of the video thumbnail image as part of the Event's display, but both of them jump you to YouTube when you press the play arrow. So we no longer need to add a link for mobile viewers when creating our HOA Events no matter which kind you make... That's Nice!

The visuals shown here may change, but the newer type of event (right side) known as a SHOAE (Scheduled HOA Event) has the added benefit of showing a count-down timer to the scheduled start time of the event when initially viewed on mobile.

Both types seem to show the Event Theme (banner graphic) at the very top if it has one added. Showing the graphic theme right next to the video player is a presentation that I've seen come and go recently, so don't be surprised if you don't see that layout as shown on the right side here.

The research and testing I did to come up with this info was done via the Android Google+ mobile app ver. and I'm not positive what iOS mobile app users are seeing re. Events. I was able to do this comparison because I have 2 HOA events back to back, that use very similar graphics/trailers. If you'd like to compare them yourself, here are links to each
=== ===
#MobileApp #GooglePlusMobile #HOAevents   #HOAtips   #EventsTips  
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Fotografija profila korisnika Rasheed PerFotografija profila korisnika Ronnie BincerFotografija profila korisnika Frank GainsfordFotografija profila korisnika The Hangout Helper
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+Alexander Siu well that's not good. Thanks for testing that out. Hope the Google+ App gets updated to match what we see on Android soon.
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Ronnie Bincer

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Hello Hangout Mastery members... This is just for you. Special Note below..."Read More" The full details on doing Mobile HOA activity as learned from our recent efforts at SXSW2014. If you are not a member, watch the Public HOA here ► If you are a member, I suggest you watch the Public one and this one if you can.

Please be sure that you are only signed in with your Mastery account. viewing the private HOA video live has been known to have issues if you are signed into YouTube with another account or Google+ with another account other than the one you use while inside the Hangout Mastery Community.

Feel free to ask questions here in the Public Event, but please realize that they will be seen by the Public. We are using this format since it allows us to bring your questions/comments onto the screen of the video via the Comment Tracker (my fav. way to interact with a larger crowd).

I've turned off the ability for Guests to invite others, or re-share this event.
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Members Only Mobile HOA Wrap-up [full details/debrief]
pet, 21. ožujka, 18:00
Public Event used for a PRIVATE HOA - Hangout Mastery Only

Fotografija profila korisnika Janet HamiltonFotografija profila korisnika Heather KraafterFotografija profila korisnika Ronnie BincerFotografija profila korisnika Terry Leigh Britton
Broj komentara: 11
This is absolutely amazing and I can't wait to watch this! It is going to be great!
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Marketing Deployment, VSEO, SEO, Hangouts (HOA) Consulting, Strategy, Optimization & Technical Guidance/Support
I am a natural Trainer... and I understand business & marketing along with SEO.
Radno iskustvo
  • The Hangout Helper, Hangout & HOA Coaching, Video SEO, YouTube Tips, Google+ Tips, Google Plus Strategies, HOA Production, HOA Moderation
    Hangout Helper/Trainer, 2010 - prisutan
    I help people and business communicate their message incredibly well.
  • LearningRx, Kingdom Graphics, Video Leads Online
    Marketing Deployment, VSEO, SEO, 2009 - 2011
Karta mjesta u kojima je živio taj korisnikKarta mjesta u kojima je živio taj korisnikKarta mjesta u kojima je živio taj korisnik
Colorado Springs CO
Boston MA area & Madison WI area - Columbus OH - Ann Arbor MI - Austin TX - Colrado Springs CO - Tucson AZ - Brookline MA - Middleton WI
Opisna oznaka
The Hangout Helper: Video Content Marketing, YouTube & Google+... I can help! (Video SEO and more)
Video Content
Hangouts & HOA Coaching/Production, Video SEO, YouTube Tips, Google+ Tips - Nice Guy, Good Teacher, Great Coach!

Welcome to my Google Plus Profile page... Thanks for visiting. If you are interested in utilizing Google Plus as a Marketing tool & you are interested in Hangouts or Hangouts on Air (HOA)... then you've come to the right place!

Feel free to add me to your circles to help keep up with all the constant changes! If you are serious about it check out the membership site I have to help you keep up: Hangout Mastery

If you've come here to Thank Me for my work so far... Great!
Please Re-Share my posts and interact with them via comments & +1's.

I am not an employee of Google, though many days I feel like I should be!

On Google Plus, I guide Businesses & People in how to Create Events Properly & I Offer Services as a Hangouts On Air Coach, Moderator & Producer.

To see a list of services I offer, visit my Services Website:

To learn a few important things about hangouts check out these 3 posts of mine:

I also specialize in Video SEO helping your Videos get found and watched online. This is getting more & more difficult because of the volume of videos out there. That is why they need to be Optimized to get found & watched.

I poke around a lot on Google Plus. You will find spirited activity if you Circle me. I've become quite passionate about Events, Hangouts and Hangouts on Air (HOA) - it is a natural area for me!

Here is a post about Google+ tips I wrote that I wish I had seen when I first arrived... see if it helps you Join In the Conversation with a bit more confidence: Google+ Etiquette & Basic Tips

And here is another Google Plus Important Tip post I wrote up on:
Google+ Hashtags - what are they and why should I care?

And about How Google+ is Changing Search Results (SEO):
How Google Plus Has Changed Search Forever! (the video)

Learn about Live YouTube Streaming or Hangouts on Air via: 
3, 2, 1... You're Live!

There is Plenty More... Just add me to your circles and you will see!

Just a bit more about me:
I did Music for a while (Trumpet), then became a Computer Graphics Nerd. Traveled the US & other countries for 12 years training people how to best use Adobe programs.

Then for 3 yrs. I did Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO) work for the Marketing Department of a Franchise Company called LearningRx.

Now I do #VideoContentMarketing / Video SEO (VSEO), Hangout Help and Online Marketing for client's as a consultant.
Čime se mogu pohvaliti
My wife & I live with a talking dog: Victor the Video SEO Hound ㋡
  • UT Austin, UM Ann Arbor, OSU Columbus
  • UM Ann Arbor
  • OSU Columbus
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